Out with the old. In with the new.
The new office windows are in place. The workers installed the trim. Next step is paint.
Yesterday, Sylvia and I bought paint for that job. We also bought new blinds for the windows.
The sauerkraut is nearly ready. We’ve enjoyed watching the process. Next step is to seal the canning jars (there’s a bit more to it than that). Later, we’ll enjoy eating it.
Ooooh, those are SWEET! Isn’t it funny how we can get excited over new windows? I know how much they cost and what a mess it is to have done…so I fully appreciate the project.
I’m guessing these are the kind that you can flip to wash both sides from the inside.
The old windows were single hung. You had to go outside to clean the upper half. The new ones are double hung (both halves move) and tilt in for easy cleaning. We have only half screens so that one pane is not covered and gives a clear view. We are very happy with them. Also very happy with the contractor.
Even if the windows were advertised to “pay for themselves” it would be best you don’t forget to remit a check. A new look at your world!
They weren’t, and we don’t forget to pay. Our contractor won’t let us forget. :stars:
I’m very curious about the sauerkraut
Sylvia can fill you in on the details. Perhaps during your next visit.