Yesterday, spring ruled. Snow banks had dissolved. The landscape was quickly greening–you could almost see an hour-by-hour change. Then . . .
Overnight temps dropped, the wind blew and this happened.

Hey! What happened last night? When I appeared with camera in hand, one angry looking robin flew away. He had the look of one who has been insulted and deeply offended by this change.
Was it the blood moon that brought this? Perhaps it’s because today is April 15?
If it was the latter, is that related to the fact that I had to go in for a blood draw today? The roads were not good driving into town. They were much improved on the return trip. However that people at the walk-in care center in Hastings are all super good. Jessica didn’t stab me today, it was Kelly’s turn to play Dracula. However, because Jessica is my “good luck lab tech,” she touched the vial for me. Okay Jessica got that reputation because she’s done all the other post surgical blood tests. And they’ve all been as close to perfect as it gets. It’s been six months since the cancer surgery and I’m hoping for another good report. Perhaps then I can have my follow-on monitoring done closer to home.
Hope spring eternal. Even on an April 15.
Hooray for good lab results- hoping no more worries in that area.
Thanks, Sharkey. :tiphat:
Good reports; faith and hope. Life’s blessings.
For me, life’s blessings includes family and friends. :awe:
Well…at least this snow won’t last too long. It sure was depressing to see though. 🙁 Hope you get good news on the blood work!
Thanks, Lin! :tiphat: The snow is mostly gone. Only the shady spots have any snow left on them. :surrender:
Well, near perfect lab results are worth a trip in the snow, and that’s def. what I hope you’ll be getting yet again. :tiphat:
We’ve got the same snow view outside of our window. Phft.
I agree. :clap: With both of your observations. 😎