This PI is round
It was September 2009 when our friend, Lin, wrote: “Is eating pie out of a cup acceptable? Irene had me busting at work this morning, eating leftover pie from yesterday’s birthday celebration out of a cup. Apparently we used all the plates at the party.”
We have all heard of cupcakes, but cup pie? It didn’t take long for me to respond.
Would you eat a pie?
That’s what I’d like to know.Yes, I’d eat a pie,
I would eat it in the snow.I would eat it with a pup.
I would eat it in a cup.I would eat it with a spoon.
I would eat it very soon.I would eat it in the fall.
I would like it best of all.So, my friend, please pass the pie.
It is the apple of my eye.
For what it’s worth, my favorite is Sylvia’s rhubarb pie. Just ask Sharkbytes.
Pie, Pie, Pi! I love it all. And rhubarb is right up there. I have several favorites and I never can make a definitive selection
We grow our own rhubarb. Not the same for cherries, apples, blueberries and pumpkins, all of which make good pi pie.
Walk a mile or fly the sky, I’d do anything for pie!
And that is exactly why,
You are my kind of guy. :food:
This cracked me up. I totally remember Irene doing that too! She is still silly, that Irene. And we still laugh a lot together.
My neighbor just informed me the rhubarb in her yard is ready for harvesting. I think I shall make some pie one of these days! Wish you were closer–I’d send over a cup of pie for you to enjoy.
I remember your blog posts about Irene. She must have been a real hoot.
If I were closer you could drop by and get lots of rhubarb, beautiful stuff it is too. Also asparagus. With supper tonight (beef and noodles), I had a nice bunch of it steamed.
I like fruit pies and cream pies… I even like pecan pies. The weird thing though, is that I think I have pie maybe twice a year and once is always Pumpkin at Thanksgiving.
Note: If there was pie to be had, and I had no plates, I’d use a cup. Why not? :dance:
Good pumpkin pie is hard to beat. Plate, cup, bowl, saucer or even (if it’s firm) off a napkin. Pie is pie.
Pie is my favorite dessert – and rhubarb ranks right near the top.
Me too. Mom, baked pies when I was growing up. Most nights we had pie with our supper.