Shepherds visit the new-born Baby
This is the Christmas reenactment scene on our mantel. It will stay there until mid morning on December 25.
After the shepherds have left, the scene will change. The baby is replaced with a young child. The angel is no longer in the sky above. A large star is suspended above the scene. Magi, bearing gifts, are now paying homage.
This scene will remain in place through January 6 (Epiphany aka Three-Kings Day). After that we pack the figures and put them in storage for another year.
I like the idea of the reenactment
It seemed the right thing to do for a number of reasons, both historical and contemporary.
We have neighbors that used to have one of those plastic figure nativity that lights up on their lawn. They’d move the 3 kings a wee bit closer to the manger each day. It was great to see them hiking over the snow piles to get there on snowy years. It would make us all giggle.
That’s a great idea. Out here in the boonies folks don’t do that on their lawns. :zip: And it’s okay with us. 😎
Although we have never done it that way, I like that your display holds true to the events. Do you set your alarm for ten o’clock on Christmas morning? :think:
This is our first year to do it this way. I suppose if we were to follow the historical timeline, we’d celebrate shepherds at his birthday in June. We’d observe the Magi’s visit on December 25. That’s too big a disconnect from tradition so we’re doing it this way.
You can find more info at bethlehemstar.net or on YouTube search for “Frederick Larson Bethlehem.”
Sounds great to me! I love to take out cherished keepsakes this time of year. I guess it’s the using them only one chunk of time during the year that gives them that nostalgic, happy feel. 🙂
It does make it special. My late mother-in-law (Sylvia’s mom) made those ceramic characters. Also, Christmas was her “special” time of year. We always think of her at this season. :angel:
What a great idea.
Thanks, Vee. :tiphat: