Last week’s snow disappeared over the weekend. Somebody must have been unhappy and arranged to have replacement snow flakes shipped in by express air delivery.

Tuesday morning snow
I think we’ve got more than replacement–we’ve also got supplement.

It continued all day
It was a good day to stay inside and listen to the scanner, read, surf the web and watch a bit of TV. What do you do on a day like this?
I think I probably went to work anyway… good bet.
On the scanner, we heard a lot of “slide-offs” reported.
It was a great day to work on taxes…..yea…accomplished a lot !!!!
Good for you, Grace. We have a date with our account to deal with ours.
Hey! I really do miss Michigan…….in the summer and fall….and when spring finally springs.
Bob Morford stopped in the store today. He’s escaping the winter wonderland and down here. He and his brother were renting a boat this morning and going out on Charlotte Harbor to do some exploring and having lunch in Placida and then, I think exploring this afternoon.
The summers are worth the winters here in Michigan. It’s really great that Bob has kept in touch with us all these years. You and Bob are the only ones I’ve kept in touch with since graduation more than 50 years ago.
Oh my goodness. So beautiful.
True . . . unless you have to shovel it out of the driveway. Fortunately, I didn’t. This time.
Have pretty much forgotten those days. Must admit that a fire in the fireplace on a day like that was great. But then, after the snow plows came through it was time to shovel the drive and the snow that was piles up. Hmmm…it’s 78 degrees outside right now. I’ll drop the subject.
Some folks might call you cruel. I’ve known you far too long to even consider that possibility.
I hole up inside the house.
Good plan. What I failed to mention that I also called Al. He does snow plowing, and this time I need him.