In call with the urologist office, I learned the results of last week’s bone scan. And it is good news. The cancer does not appear to have spread! Color me happy, as in happy camper. :cheer: 8)
That opens up my preferred option.

Am I ready for this?
Next step is to meet with the surgeon. That is being arranged by the urologist’s office.
Truth me told, I’d rather have a large salad with goodies from our garden. But, Hey! I can have that too.
I’m glad it hasn’t spread.
WONDERFUL news, Chuck! Will continue to pray for you and Sylvia as you face the next decision….GOD is so good…. :yea:
We are very happy here. God is good all the time. Thanks for being a friend. 😀
Praising God for the good report! Praying that the surgery goes well. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Thanks Ida. Your prayers are much appreciated. :up: 8)
Best news I’ve heard! Big hugs to you and your wife, I know you’re both relieved!! :cheer:
Thanks Rosey. We are very pleased with the results. 8)
Such wonderful news! You will still be in our prayers.
Thanks Bill. An e-mail to you bounced. I did try to answer your question from last time.
Yeah, let’s just do this and be done with it once and for all! Are you thinking about the Davinci? I’ve heard good things about that.
I sure home it’s once for all. :pray: Robotic surgery is the preference. (Davinci manufactures equipment for that job.)
Chuck- thanks for your candor in sharing with the blog world. Hoping it all turns out as an (expensive) non-event.
With the cross-post on FB, this is a good way to inform family and friends who care. Others can ignore.