You’re probably thinking that the next line is, “Violets are blue.” But guess again. Don’t they look more purple? If that so perhaps the poem should go:
Roses are red,
Violets are purple,
Sugar is sweet,
So is maple syruple.
Or maybe we could go more traditional, but with a rearrangement:
Violets are blue,
Roses are red,
Would somebody please,
Plug the hole in my head.
What lines would you write?
Roses are red
Violets are purple
My kids will be up soon
I’d better go warm the syrple 😀
Those are truly the thoughts of a mom. A good mom. :whaa:
I soon as I read, “Don’t they look more purple?” I started thinking, “Roses are red, violets are purple, I love you more that myprle syrple.” Such silliness. 🙂
Of course it’s silly, but it’s also fun. Right? :rolleyes:
I read the headline and was actually running the first variation through my head before I scrolled down far enough to read it. Great minds, and all that. :up:
Kinda scary isn’t it? :beam:
That is one of the flowers we really miss here in Florida.
Yes, but you have other flora there that we lack. I love to see the violets growing out on our lawn.
They have Birds of Paradise, and those big awesome trees. Well, we have big awesome trees too, but they have different kinds of big, awesome trees. :dance: Both places are beautiful (Florida & Michigan). :tiphat:
And don’t forget those little lizards. I think they’re neat. :yea: