On my birthday, last month, Lin posted on her blog, The Beauty of Seasons. It triggered an idea in my head about the seasons of beauty. I hope you mothers can forgive this guy when I say, babies are not beautiful. The only possible exceptions are my sons, my granddaughter and your children.
All youngsters are beautiful. Each in their own way.
Some folks say that women hit their peak beauty in their teen years. I don’t agree. There was a teenage gal I met whose beauty stunned me and she had a charming personality that won me over–completely.

Sylvia said, “I’m almost 15 going on 16.”
It was the smile and those words that convinced me that I wanted to know her better. For the next week, I couldn’t get Cynthia off my mind. Then I found out her name was really Sylvia. That’s an important thing to remember.

September 9, 1961
There is nothing more beautiful than a bride on her wedding day. Have you ever noticed that? It took me decades to come to the realization that the reason is an overflowing joy that comes from love.

Twenty-five years later
I thought she was a beauty in her teens. That beauty was still in the bud. It blossomed during her twenty’s and thirty’s. Still stunning in her forty’s.

Can you believe at age 55?
I think even the bride was a bit jealous of Sylvia when we participated in this Puerto Rican wedding. (Yes, the bride was beautiful. All brides are beautiful.) Sylvia’s beauty just kept growing.

The hair may be a lighter shade, but beauty doesn’t fade
An ancient king (Lemuel) wrote of the virtuous woman (Proverbs 31).
Who can find a virtuous and capable wife?
She is more precious than rubies.
Her husband can trust her,
and she will greatly enrich his life.
He must have known someone like Sylvia. Today we celebrate our 53rd wedding anniversary.
We talked about renewing the agreement at 50 years, but decided that our agreement was “until death do us part.” That’s good enough for this earthly existence.
Happy anniversary my love, my life.
Ahhhhhh, I just love LOVE! You both are amazing individuals and provide proof of what marriage is really meant to be. Love you both! Happy Anniversary! :frolic:
We love you two too, Missy. This is the first time I’ll be glad to see December come since I was a youngster. :laff:
Beautiful post, Chuck. I love that you love her so much–that is wonderful…and nice to see. Sylvia is beautiful at every age, isn’t she?! I think happiness and a good life with someone you contributes to that.
Happy Anniversary to you both! That is incredible that you still love each other so deeply and truly. I wish you many, many years of happiness, friends!
Thanks, Lin. Sylvia and I are so glad that we were able to meet you and Joe face-to-face. It was your post that provided the seed that became this post.
Our love didn’t grow out emotion, it’s something we had to build. We fumbled far too often, but we never gave up. From the beginning we vowed never to go to bed angry with each other. That meant late getting to sleep a few times, but it was worth it. :cloud9:
Happy, happy anniversary to both of you! I have to agree with you, Chuck…Sylvia is a rare beauty! I don’t think I’ve ever seen her without a smile and the words…”how great to see you again”!!! She is surely a treasure! But then, so are you! You always greet me like a “long, lost” friend and always seem to have time for a kind word!!! You make a wonderful couple! God surely blessed both of you when He paired you so many years ago!!!
God Bless you both!!! :yea:
Thanks and I agree, Joy. We’re glad we ended up in this neighborhood among such great folks. :cloud9:
Aww, I love this post. She is a beauty, and the pictures are great! Happy Anniversary to you both! :awe:
Thanks, Rosey. :tiphat: I am truly blessed.
Congratulations to the both of you!
Thanks, neighbor. Sure was good to see you (hubby & sports car too) on Saturday. :clap:
You two are great! And that smile just got better and better. PS- I like the name Sylvia better than Cynthia. Not that my opinion matters one bit!
Thanks, Sharkey. I love that smile. :awe: I agree with you on the name notwithstanding the bard’s words about a rose. :rolleyes:
Congratulations and best wishes on your marriage of 53 years and a day!
Thank you, sir. :tiphat: In some ways it seems like it only started a short while ago. Sometimes it feels like we’ve always been together.
Happy anniversary! 🙂
As for babies, they say there is only one beautiful baby in the world, and every mother has it. My husband tells me I’ve fallen head over heels in love with each of our babies and swore s/he was the absolutely most gorgeous child ever.
I LOVE your reason for not renewing the vows.
Thanks, CD for the visit here and for the comment. :tiphat:
Happy Anniversary! It was beautiful to read this. I remember as a young girl knowing you both as leaders in the Baptist Church in Willimantic. I remember being in the presence of true love and respect when in the same room with such wonderful people. Thank you for setting such an amazing example of true love and devotion in the name of Christ. Blessings! May you enjoy many more years of love, health and happiness!
We (Sylvia and I) remember with great fondness the times we spent with our “Wilimanteco” friends. You and your abuela, Petra Ramos, were an important part of that circle of love. It is very good to reconnect thanks to FB. :cloud9: Rich blessings on you and yours.
Congratulations to the both of you. I enjoyed talking with you. Next year it will be 60 for us. May God bless you both with many more.
That’s wonderful. You certainly don’t appear to be old enough to have been married for 59 years. God has been good to you too.
Sylvia and I enjoyed your visit. It was good to get caught up.
I couldn’t agree with you more about Sylva’s beauty, however cus, I think you’re beautiful too, inside where it really counts. Happy anniversary, many more good years I wish for you both. :frolic: :frolic:
Gee thanks, Beverly. I’m speechless, cus. :dunce:
Tears in my eyes, lump in my throat – from happiness for both of you. What a lovely, lovely story of your years together. You are still beautiful people, both inside and out. Congratulations to both of you and may our God continue to richly bless you in the coming years.
Awww. :cloud9: Thanks so much. :tiphat: God bless you too.
Happy Anniversary. How glorious. I, of course do not marry but I do love my studmuffin.
Thanks, Pricilla. Your beauty also transcends the years. Of course you do, he’s one handsome hunk.
This was a beautiful post! Happy Anniversary Chuck & Sylvia. May your love continue to grow today, tomorrow, and always. :awe:
Thanks, Eveliz. So far it continues to grow. The outlook from here is for now change. God bless you and yours. :hkitty:
Congratulations to the both of you! Yeah, it’s been a long time…but through God’s mercy a good time!
Thanks Uncle Willy! :tiphat: It has been a very good time. :awe: We’re glad of the part you’ve played in our life. :frolic: