It has been a week since my last post. A very busy week it has been.
There is no Wordless Wednesday post here today, but I’ll show you a couple of recent photos.

Saturday late afternoon
It’s not another spectacular sunset. However the cloud formation turned the sky into magic. (At least it seems that way to me.)

The scene is constantly shifting
A couple of minutes later, and the sky has changed. That second photo makes me think I’m standing on a mountain looking down on a lake to the left. Truth is I was standing on our front deck and that “lake” is just another cloud layer.
Life is like that some times. What may seem obvious at the time, in hindsight becomes obviously wrong. Has that ever happened to you?
Clouds SO often make me see lakes or mountains. I like them all- who says which world is real, anyway?
Right on, Sharkbytes! The world of my imagination is a place of joy and freedom. A world where I walk, run and even fly in freedom from arthritic pain and the limits imposed on this physical existence, which is greatly overrated in my opinion. Your mileage may vary. 😎
Beautiful pictures!
Thanks. :tiphat:
Happens often. I see things that totally morph into something else on second, or closer, look. Also, I like your pictures. :up:
The second makes me think it could be something that Frodo saw on his way to Mordor.
To answer the question, absolutely no, of course not! I’m always 100% right!! :rofl: :haha: :surrender: 😀
I do like the pictures. The second one does like a lake shot! The first is my fave though, that’s just purdy. 🙂
Thanks, Rosey. I favor the second one, because it has that far away fantasy feeling to it. Great stuff for my gone-wild imagination to run with. :rolleyes: