Summer is gone and fall is fleeing. The warmth of yesterday was followed by rain over night and more this morning. Sylvia has nearly finished garden clean up. Only a bit of cabbage remains to be harvested this year.

Garden nearly ready for winter.
There is a pile of sawdust in the far corner of the garden this is the remains of a couple of tree stumps (not walnut). It will sit there next year to break down. The following year I’ll till it into the soil. If we do that next year it will leech nitrogen (to aid in decomposition) from the soil. We don’t use commercial fertilizer, so we’ll let it compost.
It was a good year for the garden. Okay, only one parsnip grew from the planted seed. Next year we need to plant winter squash. We’re nearly out of the frozen bounty from the bumper crop we had last year.
The mower deck is off the tractor and the front-end loader is on. The scraper blade will go on with first snow.
Today is much cooler than yesterday. Each day, the lazy old sun seems to rise a bit lower in the sky than it did the day before. The bitter part of fall approaches like a train in a tunnel.
At times like this, I realize . . . I really like summer. :awe:
Well, I won’t mind if we don’t have quite as many storms this winter as last. I’d like to do something besides run the snowblower. Your garden is such a huge project!
I certainly share that sentiment regarding winter storms. :stars: We find joy and satisfaction in our garden. Satisfaction in the abundant harvest that it provides. Joy in being able to share excellent quality food with others.
Yep, I never, never, never complain about summer. I know the flip side of that coin. 😉
I’m with you on that, Rosey. Perhaps if we lived in southern Arizona we’d have reason to gripe. :surrender: