Sunday School ~ Zechariah

Zechariah was both prophet and priest. He was a contemporary of Haggai, and like Haggai, his message one one of encouragement to God’s people to complete building the temple. Haggai’s writing spans a relatively short time span. By contrast, Zechariah’s first message came in August of 520 BC. His final prophecy was given after 480 BC.

Here are some verses of interest:

9:9 “Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion!
Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem!
See, your king comes to you,
righteous and having salvation,
gentle and riding on a donkey,
on a colt, the foal of a donkey.”

9:16, 17 “The LORD their God
will save them on that day

as the flock of his people.
They will sparkle in his land
like jewels in a crown.
How attractive and beautiful they will be!
Grain will make the young men thrive,
and new wine the young women.”

10:1 “Ask the LORD for rain in the springtime;
it is the LORD who makes the storm clouds.
He gives showers of rain to men,
and plants of the field to everyone.”

10:8,9 “I will signal for them
and gather them in.
Surely I will redeem them;
they will be as numerous as before.
Though I scatter them among the peoples,
yet in distant lands they will remember me.
They and their children will survive,
and they will return.”

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

3 thoughts on “Sunday School ~ Zechariah

  1. Have a beautiful Sunday, Chuck! Do something special with your sweetie now that she’s home!

    Justine 😮 )

  2. Chuck,
    I always look for your Sunday morning posts first thing!!
    What a blessing you are with your teachings and I feel like your posts are like a pre-Sunday School lesson for me 🙂
    I hope that you and Sylvia have an amazing and blessed Sunday and….

    Steady On
    Reggie Girl

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