After a long, hard, cold, snow-filled winter the neighborhood buzz is about spring. Our friends are sharing reports of sighting robins and red-winged black birds and we’ve seen killdeer. However it was Sunday, when I saw the first sure sign of spring.
We had gone out for lunch and were surprised that the restaurant had live music. We sat next to the guitar-playing singer. She was good! Later she sat the guitar down and went to work at the keyboard. Wow! What an eclectic mix of classic hymns, show tunes and pop music kept coming our way carried on a rich and powerful voice.
Just before we left, she asked Sylvia and I what kind of music we liked. We answered, “Country.” She sang a couple of Patsy Cline songs. Afterward I told her I was wrong. “How’s that?” she wanted to know. I replied, “I thought no one could sing those songs better than Patsy Cline.”
The singer turned to Sylvia and said that she knew her from somewhere. Sylvia asked if she was the daughter of Bob and Rosemary. She replied in the affirmative. Then Sylvia told her that we live right across the road from them. “Wow,” she said, “You’re the one that brings over the yummy fudge and other goodies at Christmas time, aren’t you.” Sylvia is the one and told her so.
We were driving home feeling good after the nice meal (fish), the music and the chat. I looked into the sky and saw that first sure sign of spring.

The buzzard of paradise
Yes, I was seeing a turkey buzzard. Okay. Spring is now officially here. What marks the sure sign of spring for you?
Sure sign? Hmmm. Not sure I have one. Maybe when the driveway turns to mud. (Yes, we are there)
Around here, we do call it mud season. :rofl:
Isn’t it fun to see the first signs of Spring? I mean…REAL Spring….not just sunshine and melting snow. My true sign is Red-winged blackbirds. Their song….and the sound of small planes in the sky. (Why is it I only notice small planes on those early sunny spring days?) Oh, and the sandhill cranes. I guess those are sounds rather than sights….but still…they are what tell me Spring is here.
It’s a good feeling, isn’t it?
Yes, it is fun! I’d been hearing the sandhill cranes for several days before I finally saw one.
I love Patsy Cline’s music too. I think Reba did a great version of ‘Sweet Dreams.’
I’m glad you had a good visit.
Signs of Spring coming here… the geese out back, the snow melting here and there (when we don’t get more), and the week off of school for the kids. :awe:
That’s another great song–even if it is sad. 😥
The canada geese and sandhill cranes are another sign of spring. There are more of them, including the longer period of light each day, which is rapidly changing this close to the equinox. :hkitty:
Blue skies up above, everyone’s in love. . .
Great avian photo!
It certainly is that time of year. :awe:
That photo is nothing but a lucky grab shot. :clap: Some days things work out for a guy. 😉
We call them the Clean-up Crew down here in FL. Last week we had several in our trees and one was on the shed metal roof trying to maintain its footing. I went out to see what was going on and caught a whiff of something foul. I finally found the remains of a dead opossum under the shed. I got a bent fork and fished it out, putting in closer to the trees. The one on the roof came down and claimed the carcass. Soon there were three more to help out. It didn’t take them long until there were just bones left.
A few years ago we had a terrible smell that I couldn’t locate. It was near the house, but I couldn’t find it. A few days later I found a dead vulture beside the power pole in front. I looked up and there, laying across the transformer was a dead coon. I called FPL (power co) to have them come and get it, she replied to “call animal control.” Then I explained where it was, she said ” Oh! we will be right out.”
They are a very efficient clean-up crew. For the last several years, a pair of them have been nesting in a hollow oak tree near here. That tree sustained considerable damage this winter. I’m curious to see if they will still nest there. :think: