Yesterday (Thursday), Sylvia and I set a time to meet our son, Bryant, at one of our favorite restaurants for lunch. We arrived first and were shown to a table. As Sylvia and I talked about our day thus far, we saw Bryant entering. We greeted his and as he sat down I felt hands on my shoulders. (The wait staff is friendly, but not that friendly.) What was it? I turned to look.

Surprise grandpa!
There she was, Briana, our granddaughter. In her final semester in nursing school, she has only one class. It meets once every-other week. She spends a couple of days each week on the surgical oncology floor of a local hospital. There she works with the same wonderful young nurse that attended me after my cancer surgery last year. How neat is that? (Did you ever wonder what nurses talk about when there are no patients or doctors around? I’ve heard rumors. :stars: )
We had lots to talk about and laughed a lot. We tend to do that. It’s not nervous laughter, but the real open from-the-heart laughter that comes from being together and enjoy it–a lot. As an aside, that’s one of the characteristics of Briana’s grandmother that drew me to her as surely as a magnet draws a steel pin. That humor has now infected the entire family.
I told Briana that I wanted to report what she had posted on her Tumblr blog. She didn’t object. Even her uncle (our other son) was taken with it. She said, “I don’t think anyone understands how funny I think I am.” Don’t tell her, but I think her family has a very good idea in that regard. Oh yes, and we agree with her. A while back I posted this picture that she had posted online.
My sister, Clara, said there was something strange about her bottom lip. Then she realized that it was a tongue. I wonder how many of her friends didn’t see it at first. (Subtle humor is the best. :laff: )
Oh yes, that’s Hutchinson humor with a capital H as in happy. And happy is how Sylvia and I both felt for this unexpected visit with our granddaughter. Of course, we enjoyed the conversation with Bryant and the food was excellent.
I love happy surprises. Do you?
Oh, now that is a surprise that is nice! Best sort of surprise, I’d say.
There is never enough time with the grandkids, but they are always so busy…..what to do? Thank goodness for computers–at least they can drop a quick note to grandparents if they can’t see them in person. Or Skype. Or make a quick call. That is the good part of today’s technology.
Nice, indeed. She is, and will probably always be, our only grandchild. She knows that and showers us with love, which is the way she is treated. The technology is nice. We were in touch even while she was studying in Ghana. :cloud9: How great is that?
So much fun! I’m so happy for you.
It sure was great! Thanks. :tiphat:
She’a a beautiful redhead! You have a right to be very proud of her.
Yes, she is attractive and intelligent. However, I’m most proud of the content of her character, the firmness of her conviction and her heart for service.
Happy surprises are better than any other kind.
Happy for you that you had a happy one.
Right you are. I do prefer the happy surprises. :rolleyes:
We loaded up the car trunk with Christmas presents for my mom and gram once and drove from Florida to Ohio to surprise them for the holiday. I can still hear my gram’s happy ‘ohhhhhh!’ when we walked through the door. 🙂
I’m glad you got to visit your fam. Those kinds of visits are the best. :cloud9:
That was a great holiday surprise for Mom and Gram. ❗
Our lunch-time visits are a mostly regular feature of our week. Usually it’s just Bryant that meets us.