Yesterday (Thursday), was that kind of a day. :stars: And I was glad when it was over. :rain:
Tuesday, I had met with the surgeon who will removing my prostate gland at a date yet to be determined. The meeting went well and I left feeling optimistic. The minimally invasive procedure has a lot going for it, and some of his first words were, “You’ve chosen well. This offers your best chance for a complete cure.” :up:
We had a bit of trouble navigating around construction areas to get there, but we had allowed extra time to drive through the unfamiliar area. We went home another way on mostly surface streets with lots of stops.
Thursday, I was scheduled with a pre-op session with the nurse. It was a briefing and a training session. We decided to take a different route to avoid construction. However after leaving the expressway, we found the alternate route was closed. Yes, construction. 🙁
I managed to get us lost. We stopped twice to ask directions. That got us more lost. :surrender: Then I saw a Grand Rapids Police cruiser sitting at the side of the road. As we pulled alongside, I greeted the officer, “It sure is good to see your face.” Wow did I ever get a big grin back. I’m sure he doesn’t get that kind of greeting very often. And there is also the amusement factor of the poor old fellow who is lost and confused. He gave directions to our destination and several minutes later we were pulling into the parking lot.
I was a quarter hour late, stressed and anxious. I reported in at the receptionist, who responded to my apology with good humor and wit.
I took a seat to wait for the nurse. Several minutes Sylvia came in from parking the car (I had gotten out at the main entrance).
It was another quarter hour before I was called in to the nurse’s office. She explained that she hadn’t known I was coming before I arrived. That session was very good. I learned a lot of important facts and passed the training session (muscle control for post-op continence) with high praise.
Staffers suggested a route past the construction and to the expressway, which would take us to our son’s office. We were already late to meet him, but it shouldn’t be too bad. Shouldn’t. Ha!
The directions were faulty, but once again a parked police cruiser and a friendly officer got us on the correct path. We missed our son at his office, but he was waiting at the restaurant. Actually, he had just finished eating, but stayed to chat with us and chuckle about our adventures for that day.
We arrived home at last and the sun had broken through the clouds. I had a terrible headache. I’d only had two sips of my daily huge cup of coffee that morning before we left. The insulated cup was still on the table that afternoon.
Then we heard the sound that meant rain. The sun was shining, but the rain was falling.

Sometimes it rains on a sunny day
That pretty well summed up the day. Have you had days like that?
Those days just seem to dig in and get worse and worse. All police are tense after the shooting here in my county. Big BIG funeral procession yesterday, and the funeral in Manistee. Glad you have the right muscles working well for all the indignities.
The two police officers I talked with were friendly and professional. I can understand the tension in your area given its recent history. 8)
A journal of the sorts of reasons I dislike cities; and that doesn’t even consider the stops for medical services.
Not surprise to find us in agreement on this one. I didn’t even mention that most of the road signs are obscured by trees, brush and vines. :down:
I have days like that. I’ve had trips to the doctor that seemed to take up the whole day. It always seems like a tiring, wasted day when that happens.
Those days are very tiring. Thankfully they don’t come that frequently. :dance:
Certainly, I have never had such a day. My days are always sunny and perfect over this a’way. :angelic:
Of course that’s a big fat lie. :angel:
I laughed at your description of the first police officer. I bet they don’t get a response like that very often!
We got a LOT of rain last night, and it dropped the temperature significantly. We went from shorts and sandals to blue jeans and sweatshirts, just that fast.
Hope your day’s better today!
I thought that’s how your days go. 🙄
Same weather here with the same change of wardrobe. 😯
Hope you’re enjoying a wonderful day at your house. :up:
Soccer, a birthday party, and grocery shopping. Doesn’t get better than that, and I’m not even kidding. I like my life and my little family. :awe:
Happy weekend to you, and your lovely Mrs. too. 🙂
Thanks Rosey. Sounds like a great day. Sylvia took stuff in for recycling and I mowed the huge lawn. We watched a NASCAR race from Chicago. A quiet supper for two. It was a nice day, but now my bed is calling my name. I’d better answer the call. 😉