The picture says it all.
I started last week (Monday) with the news that, six months after surgery, I’m cancer free. Monitoring will continue.
Wednesday, I made an unscheduled visit to the dentist. A moderately sore tooth would need a root canal. The procedure is scheduled for this Friday.
On Thursday, that tooth pain had gone from moderate to nearly unbearable. I started taking an antibiotic per the dentist’s instruction.
By Friday, the pain had subsided slightly. I had a telephone conversation with the endodontist’s office. The specialist I talked with gave me pointers on how to manage the pain. It works!
Endodontist . . . how’s that for a job? Nothing but root-canal procedures. I can think of worse ways to make a living.
I had a class at university with a girl whose father was a proctologist. When asked what her father did for a living she’d say, “He’s a can opener.” I suppose the language has changed and that answer no longer makes sense. Or has it?
Great news! So glad you are cancer free.
Thank you, Verla. :tiphat:
Great news on the cancer. I actually look forward to my visit to my oncologist now.
We have a traveling endodontist at my dentist’s office, one day a week then it’s off to another dentist’s office.
Traveling endodontist? That sounds like a great idea. I’ll have to drive to the far side of Grand Rapids . . . Oh well. :zip:
As I think about it, the endodontist has a great deal. He has no office to maintain, no staff (except for one assistant he brings) and all the other things that go with keeping an office location. Great deal for him and the local dentist isn’t tied up for long periods of time. Sounds like a win/win to me.
I agree. :up: Sure appears to be a win/win.
In this case, oncologist = bearer of good news!
endodontist = tooth fairy
Good point. I hadn’t thought about it that way. :laff:
Good news, except the tooth. I would be interested to know how one manages serious tooth pain. Right up there with the worst ever.
In this case, management means taking the antibiotic and 600 mg of Ibuprofen every six hours. It’s working.
LOL, I don’t think anyone calls it a can anymore, but that’s funny!
Congrats on the clean bill of health. Best news of the day! :yea:
Good luck w/the tooth. I had to get one filled and went out of network (so I didn’t have to make the hour drive for a network dentist). Dumb mistake for me, whoo, that was a whopping bill to pay (even w/the slight amount covered by insurance).
“Live and learn.” At least that what my mother used to say.
Language does morph over the years.
HOORAY!! That is great news about your health!! Well…not your tooth, but at least you are managing the pain and getting it taken care of soon.
Glad you got good news about being cancer-free! :yea:
Thanks, Lin. The tooth is only an annoyance and the other is very good news. 🙂