No doubt you’ve seen it happen. It may be that it has happened to you. I’m talking about the embarrassment that comes from speaking without proper consideration of the words that are about to come out of the mouth.
It helps to think before one speaks.
It pays to think before speaking. Now, if I could master that . . .
I so hate the occasional mishap, and yes, at my age I do still get them (though I clearly by now should have the art of talking mastered).
Sometimes there is no time to think of “think”–you know, like meetings and such and everyone’s eyes are on you. But I like the idea. Especially the “necessary” one–I’m guilty of talking too much. :O
Ah yes, meetings . . .
I don’t miss those. Not even a tiny bit. :zz:
So simple to memorize; so difficult to put into practice. :banghead:
Obviously, I’m still working on part 2. :frustrated:
Yeah, I get in trouble with my big mouth too often. Nice mnemonic.
Welcome to the club. We have a very large membership.
I’m one who usually thinks very carefully before saying anything. It’s a kind of bad obsession with me. Still, a person can never know if they may have said the wrong thing, but I’d like to have the ability to blurt out things a little more often.
Seems to me Ratty that you have a good obsession. Perhaps there is a time to let thoughts flow unfiltered. I’m not sure when that would be.