The Galilean couple inquires about a room at an Inn. Once again they are told that there is no room, and “No, we don’t know where you can find a room.” Bethlehem is filled with descendants of David who have come here to register for the Roman census.
Again the innkeeper speaks, “Your wife looks very pregnant and very tired. Perhaps we can find a little space . . .”
Kindness helps.
Kindness certainly makes our world a better place.
Biblical scholars refer to players such as the innkeeper as “minor characters.” Perhaps we are all minor characters, but we are called to give as he did: what we have.
Or, on second thought, perhaps he could have given them his master suite and slept in the stable himself. hmmm
I suspect the stable was more tranquil than the big house. Each character is important, no matter how much (or little) is recorded about them.
I always assumed that the innkeeper did not charge them anything as he was a kind man.
If it were important, that detail would have been recorded for us. Don’t you think so?
This part of the story always makes me a little sad. I can’t imagine not having a place to go to have a baby.
It must have been very stressful for Mary.
Thank you for thinking outside the box, kind innkeeper.
Did you ever wonder what that kindly innkeeper charged them?