Flashback Friday is hosted by Camille. (Click on the badge to visit her blog, which is the home of Flashback Friday.) Won’t you consider joining in the fun?
Twenty years ago, Sylvia and I were living in Connecticut. Summer vacation, and usually Christmas, meant a trip back to our home state of Michigan to spend time with family. Part of that time would be spent at Glen Lake.
On this trip, we were at the lake with family. On a nice day, we made the short drive to the base of the Sleeping Bear Sand Dune. It was the tradition for us to climb to the top of the dune. We did and so did son, Bryant, his wife, Barbara, and our granddaughter, Briana.

Briana and Barbara with Glen Lake in the background
Can you believe that little girl is now a senior at Grand Valley State U? She is also an honors student in the nursing school.
Those are nice memories you made, and the picture is perfect to go with them. She was a little cutie pie. 🙂
Yes Rosey they were wonderful memories. It’s great to have the pix to help jog the memory. This shot is one of my favorite family photos.
A cutie pie then and a beautiful and brilliant young lady today. 8)
Great memories! (but have you tried recently to climb to the top of Sleeping Bear Dune?)
The operative word in the narrative is “was.” No, I haven’t tried recently. In fact, that may have been the last time I scaled that monster. I don’t expect to repeat that climb. :stop: :stars: