I have moved my Blogger blog into this self-hosted WordPress blog under a domain name selected for this purpose. I’m still working on various parameters, so please be patient with me. I started this process less than 30 hours ago. In that time, I have uploaded and configured software, selected and modified a theme (template) and recently downloaded posts and comments from my Blogger blog. It has been work, but it has been a fun learning experience for me.
I was not, and I am not unhappy or dissatisfied with Blogger. Their product is excellent. This move comes only because I am setting up a WordPress blog for our church under the church’s domain name. I will be the administrator for that blog (as I am for their Website). For that reason, it seemed good to me to use the same platform for both blogs.
Sylvia, my wife, is an authorized author on this blog. Perhaps, with your encouragement, she will write a post for us from time-to-time.
Other Happenings
Our Wednesday visit with our financial went well. Very well. Looks like we’ll be making a large payment on our mortgage principal later this month. It sure is going to feel good to get that elephant off our back.
My hand and wrist are taking a beating with all the online work I’ve been doing. I’ll be posting when I can, but it won’t be everyday for a while.
Finally, I’d like to hear from you. What are your impressions of the new site? Any suggestions for improvements?
Wowie!! It looks great, Chuck! Happy New Home for your blog!!
I like Blogger–especially now that they’ve really made it easier to add pages and such. I’m NOT very techie, so I’m not looking to move. I’ll be curious to hear which you like better after some time.
Thanks Lin! You have no reason to move your blog. I do have that reason.
Congratulations on your move. Quite the fall background. Being a goat I prefer green
Thanks Pricilla! I chose fall scenes to represent the autumn of my life. Oh, and it’s also my favorite time of year. I love that time from late August through September. Of course the former is my birthday month, and the latter is our wedding anniversary month. I love that smell of fresh apples and the taste of apple pie or fresh apple cider. Yum! Ahh! It makes me feel great just to think about it.
Your new site is very nice. I’d be interested to know which platform you prefer, WP or Blogger.
I always liked Blogger, as well. I cut my teeth on it.
I especially liked them when they were independent; after Google bought it, lots of flashy stuff was added but I believe the quality went down. Nonetheless, it’s a great platform, which is why I still maintain my other blogs on it.
I’d love to read some of Sylvia’s posts!
Thanks Rebecca! It’s still to early to tell which I’ll like more. Obviously, I’m more comfortable with Blogger today. I have more than three years experience and have experimented a lot. I see some possibilities in WordPress that look very promising. I expect that WP will eventually be my favorite, but that is mere speculation at this point.
Sylvia’s schedule is very full for the next two to three weeks. Perhaps after that we can prevail upon her to write for us.
Ah, Chuck, you are the clever one. Should I undertake such a thing, the undertaker would take me before I even figured out what it was I needed to do. So I guess you will still find me on blogger.
Good looking product you have here!
Thanks Vanilla! I’ve always been a techy kind of guy. I had some advice from an experienced friend. He offered to assist, but after he had pointed out a few things about configuring the database and WordPress setup I was able to do it myself.
If it weren’t for the church blog, I’d still be on Blogger and quite happy.