Some of you may remember the song, “What a Difference a Day Makes.” That certainly is true. Especially this morning. As I looked out the office window the snowy scene of yesterday had transformed into an Emerald Eden. Wow!

Compare this to the photo of the same scene that was taken and posted yesterday.
The psalmist wrote: “weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.” A new day can certainly bring a whole different perspective? I’m sure that’s why the wise ones tell us to “sleep on it.”
It’s even looking mildly green here. I can handle it!
Yah! Me too. :dance:
It sure feels good to do some outside work without freezing in the process. :frolic:
Though I’ve seen it happen many, many times, I am still amazed at the miracle of the world turning green again after long, long whiteness and dreariness. :frolic:
It is amazing isn’t it. :whaa:
I love to watch the cycle of life as it renews itself each year. :awe:
Silly cold weather. I had to scrape my car windows this morning, but the snow’s all gone. 🙂
I love looking outside and seeing green!
This is early spring–just as it has always been. Let’s rejoice at the signs of new life that surround us. :frolic: