I’ll let you decide on the verity of this post’s title. It may prove to be another one of those myths that we keep telling ourselves, or that singers keep sending our way. Here’s the full story. Read it and tell me what you think. Please. I really would like to know.

Wednesday late afternoon.
We’ve been snowed in since Sunday. The tracks are from our USPS postal carrier. Sally has a good truck and lots of experience. I was surprised when she delivered some of the components for the computer that I’m assembling. We laughed and agreed that we’re both ready for spring.
Monday, UPS decided to not try delivering my expedited package, which held two optical drives. On Tuesday, their tracking app showed that it was out for delivery. It was too cold for my tractor to start. I was not able to clear the drive. When the delivery man (yes, it was a man) arrived, he couldn’t get his truck up our driveway. He left his truck and walked up the hill to deliver the drives to my door. :tiphat: A big tip of the hat to UPS for such excellent service.
Wednesday arrived with the same cold temps. I didn’t even try to start the tractor. I did step outside long enough to survey the situation and take the picture above. Doesn’t look like much snow, does it? It is not passable. If UPS couldn’t get up, we weren’t going anywhere until it was cleared.
Then today, Thursday, temperatures rose into the upper 20s. The tractor would start. I went out shortly after a late breakfast and began the clearing process. At noon, I took a break and then resumed the work. The wind grew stronger in the afternoon, and snow filled the air. Nevertheless. I completed the job.
Sylvia wanted to go shopping and went out. Road conditions and crowds in the supermarket delayed her return. By then, there was more snow in the driveway. She returned safely home, but not as far as the garage.

Another shot of the drive 26 hours later.
Yes, those white streaks are snow flakes racing across the scene. If it weren’t for Sylvia’s car stuck in the snow, I’d say it was a good picture. Under the circumstances, I’m not all that sure. :badmood:
At least for tomorrow, we should get a respite from the snow. I’ll appreciate that while we’re out there rescuing the stranded and abandoned vehicle.
What I think is that your driveway and mine have some things in common. Long and on a hill. Yours is slightly longer, but paved. Mine is steeper and dirt. Even if I had a tractor I don’t know where I’d put the snow. I discovered sore places today (when I ran the snowblower yet again) that I did not realize snowblowing affected.
I had to “invent” places to stack the snow. :laff: If our drive were shorter, I’d opt for a snow blower too. It’s funny (perhaps not really) how those efforts results in strange body parts being sore. :think:
I’ve forgotten the question. Oh, tell you what I think? I think it is too much and has gone on long enough. Prognosticator says, Oh, really. Just wait until Tuesday! :surrender:
Here, the prognosticating, crystal-ball gazing, weather guessers are calling for another 5 to 8 inches of new snow. :frustrate:
This is the winter that keeps on giving. :surrender:
Well that was probably a bittersweet walk to the house: Hurrah for the house being so close, and boo that the car was stuck!!
I pulled my back shoveling last week, but the snow was coming down so hard the next day that I had to go clear the drive (or hubby wouldn’t have been able to get his little car into it). I moved very gingerly, but got the job done. :woot:
Sorry your car got stuck, hopefully it’ll be back in its spot today. It felt downright warm (27 degrees being ‘warm’ hahahaha) this morning when I went out to clean off and start the cars!!
Ouch! Sorry about your back. I know how it is for me when that happens, and it’s not fun. :no:
The big project for today is the car rescue. :stars: