It has been one busy week for us. It started Sunday. After lunch Sylvia and friend, Bonnie, drove to Flint for Crystal García’s graduation party.

Angel, Crystal, Sylvia, Eveliz and Edeline. (photo by Bonnie)
Crystal just graduated with high honors from the University of Michigan – Flint. Her degree is in psychology. We’ve known Crystal and her family since her father came to pastor the church we attended in Connecticut. At that time, Crystal was a pre-schooler. Later, Rev. Angel Gardía accepted the call to pastor a church in Flint.
That was Sunday. On Monday, I took Sylvia to Hastings in the morning. At the orthopedist’s office, they removed her plaster splint, the doctor examined her wrist. It was not perfectly set as we had thought. After that a technician put a fiberglass cast on her arm.
Monday afternoon I took her back to Hastings for a C-T scan of the break area. We are still waiting hear about the results. We expected a call on Tuesday, but are still waiting. The office said, “Probably tomorrow.”
So far this week has flown by with many things happening. I want to do like Hobbes (Lin’s not Calvin’s) and take a nap.
Well, here I am, proving that the events of your week are not yet full enough. Interesting that the connection with this family traveled with you.
Our dance card is not yet complete. We did develop a close relationship with the García family.
Wow…I’m pooped just reading about all that you have going on over there! And don’t think twice about the nap—just be strategic to where you do it. A little shade…a nice breeze…no yappy dogs or lawn mowers…maybe a quick trip to the snack bowl. Those are Hobbes requirements. 🙂
I hope you get good news about Sylvia’s arm soon! I’m sure the fiberglass cast is much lighter, right?
I run the lawnmower, and the neighbors are far enough away that they don’t interfere. I talk a lot about naps, but rarely do I take one.
Yes, the fiberglass cast is much lighter. Sylvia likes that! We should hear tomorrow on scan results.
Please, give Hobbes a couple of scritches behind his ears for me. :hkitty: