The new TV has supports that are 36″ apart. The stand is 26″ wide. So the purchasing agent went to the home improvement store and bought a 6″ lazy Susan and a finished shelf. Then she put me to work.

The lazy Susan is securely fastened to the stand.
It’s not quite as easy as it looks, but not very difficult either.

The completed project is “shelved.”
Set to go. I finished our anniversary gift to each other on my birthday.
Clever! Necessity is the mother of invention, so they say.
Thanks! :tiphat:
A certain blogger bud, who is currently inactive, uses the line: “Invention is the necessity of motherhood.” I like that line too. :think:
My son’s birthday was yesterday. Do you share the same day? 🙂
In any case, happy birthday and the project turned out great. That’s smart thinkin’!
No, mine is 8/25. Thanks! :tiphat:
You guys are hi-tec! Nice job. Hmmm. How do you fasten the second whatever to the susan?
I was light on details, wasn’t I? Flat-head, self-tapping screws fasten into the small holes on the top plate of Susan. These hold the 12″ x 36″ shelf in place. I’m going to have to replace that soon with a piece of solid oak and not the “pressed corn cobs,” as some people call that material. :surrender:
Well done thou good and faithful…
:cloud9: :tiphat: