Snow drifts can be whimsical.

Interesting, but not really whimsical.
For whimsy, you must look at from a new, dare I say “negative,” point of view.

That what we were looking for!
Shadow on snow are also interesting. I love the way they “flow” with the landscape.

Other worldly?
I darkened the tree to add to the fun. Here’s another.

This is my favorite. Not much flat land around here.
Most of the time, life is all about how you look at it. Would you agree?
That really is interesting. I never thought of all the ripples and patterns in snow.
Our friend, Sharkbytes, did a post with shadows on snow a while back. That got me to thinking and looking.
I like the second one- very mathematical!
The more I look at these, the more I like the second one.
This is a great art lesson in the study of light and dark and the effects of light and dark on our personal feelings . Light is usually thought of as knowledge and understanding; whereas darkness indicates the opposite. So, to look at things realistically , in creating art or in living life , we need both light and dark .We need to work though the darkness to find the truth hidden in the bright light., so yes it does make a big difference on how we see things. :whaa:
That’s a fine explanation, Grace. I appreciate your artist’s viewpoint on this. I tend look at things from a physical science point of view. So thanks very much. :tiphat:
That is whimsy. Yep, I selected the same one you did as favorite.
Thanks. Putting this together was a lot of fun.
I do agree!! Sorry I don’t get over here so much anymore. Life as a stay-at-home blogger is sure different than life as a working mother. 😉 I love both though, because as you noted, life is in good part about how you look at it. 🙂 Greetings to Sylvia too! :hkitty:
I understand, Rosey. From this, it appears your are doing well in that new role. Sylvia returns her greetings to you. :tiphat:
that is interesting! and very cool looking. something new to try.
Thanks, Doreen. It was a happy surprise when I experimented with negative images.