I’m guessing most of you have discovered the least, and most poorly kept, secret in the world. Our world is mad. As in crazy, loony, loopy, illogical and frequently nonsensical. Mad! :stars:

Not really my doctor.
Monday, I had the 9-month follow-up appointment with my urologist. It is nearly an hour’s drive by the time you add in parking and walking in and up to his office. After checking in and leaving a sample, I was ushered into a room to wait. I finished reading a book during that time.
Finally, Doctor R stepped in, shook my hand and greeted me with a big grin. He had a couple of questions for me and I had one for him. He shared the good news that my test results were once again perfect. :cloud9: He also reminded me that there is a chance that the cancer will come back. I’ll see him again in three months, which will be the one year anniversary of the surgery. Our time together was less than five minutes. An hour later I was back home.
I find it interesting that Doctor R lives about two miles from here (all of it on country roads). But unless I get on the expressways and drive that hour through urban traffic into the big city, he doesn’t get paid and I don’t get treated.
Sorry I haven’t kept up with posting here. I’ve been doing some work on the house. We’re nearly finished with the mud room project. Just a couple of pieces of trim to go, and Sylvia is picking them up at Menard’s as I write this.
Also been overhauling our church’s Website. My Web development software is now out-of-date, and I want to pass this on to someone else. Our hosting company offers site-builder software as part of our Web hosting package. That’s great I don’t even have to have the software installed on my computer. Still, it’s a lot of work to get things fine tuned.
Sounds like a great five minutes though!!
Congrats on being at the end of the mudroom work, and good look w/the computer fine tuning stuff. 🙂
It’s hard to complain about receiving good news, and that’s for sure. :up:
We have now completed work on the mudroom and have moved on to other projects. 😎
“When common sense makes sense, seek no other sense or one ends up with nonsense!”
How about those times when “common sense” is nonsense? :rolleyes:
When you put it in scare-quotes like that, it becomes a synonym for “conventional wisdom”. :think:
More often than not, the description is oxymoronic — unless one enjoys grazing on clover and saying, “baaaaa”. :laff:
Friends don’t let friends be sheeple. :nono:
At least you had some good news. That is great!
Yes it is. Post-op pathology report indicates the possibility of a return of the cancer.
Hooray for good news….again!!
It always seems that the drive and the wait for the doctor is always longer than the time spent with him/her. I don’t like the waiting part. 🙁 Wait….I don’t like the doctor part either!
Seems like everyone is off the blogs this summer. Boy! It’s quiet!
Thanks, Lin. :woot:
Keeping an active blog (or a blog active) can become a wearisome task. But it can also be an energizing activity. How do you keep yours so interesting? :think:
I’m not sure it is! 😉
Your blog really is. Look at the cloud of faithful followers that you have. You can turn a mundane event into a laugh-fest. The next day you give us fodder for our ‘thinking facilities.’ :tiphat: