Oh my, has it been windy of late. I looked out the window the other day and saw a plastic bag hanging on a fence post. Both handles were over the post and it looked like a full air balloon. Only instead of pointing up, it was over on its side.
Later, I took the camera and found that one handle had slid off the post. The bag had now taken on the appearance of a windsock. And the wind was blowing. Hard.

The bag had held some tent pegs, which we use to keep the end fence of the garden down against the road. There are enough wild rabbits around here that our garden would not be “our garden” if left it open.
The bag had split and dumped its cargo onto the lawn. Perhaps you can see an orange peg hanging in the fence.

Tent pegs litter the ground
Another day of wind and the plastic bag had disappeared. Gone with the wind, you might say. I might say that too. :laff:
The weather continues to be damp, cool and, fortunately, not quite so windy. New blossoms coming out in the flower gardens. More on that soon.
Hmmmm…a wind sock might be handy. Too bad it blew away.
It’s cold, rainy and windy here too. It’s getting old. I’m ready for warm weather and sunshine, and I’m beginning to think it’s never going to come.
There used to be a windsock on the neighbor’s barn. The fellow who lived there before Meghan and Curt bought the place had an ultra-light which he used to fly around the neighborhood. He crashed it before we moved here and that was the end of that. :stars:
This cold, wet weather does not agree with those who have arthritis. Come on summer! :hkitty:
Yea, verily. Your cold wind has reached us as well. 😥
I’m sorry to hear that. :surrender: Please understand that I didn’t sent it to you. :no:
No accusation implied. It is what it is.
None inferred. 😎
Hmm, I can only see your letters if i highlight the words today. Could be just me?
Glad you didn’t lose power with all this wind. We didn’t either!! It was sure windy for a bit though!
And your movie pun was f/p unny. :laff:
It’s not just you. I’m not sure what happened, but you should now be able to view text okay. I’m glad you liked the pun.
Yep, I can see it just fine now. 🙂
Rainy day here today, we’re hoping t-ball doesn’t get cancelled for tomorrow morning. Come on, sunshine! :dance:
Things here are strewn all over, all though I was pleasantly surprised that most of the mess on the roof did not come down. Down is good, but I prefer that it comes down according to my rules.
There was a 6-hour power outage a mile north of me. I understand about your rules.