With Hopes for Survival

This evening, Sylvia and I will be attending a Zumba class.  Can’t you see us now?

Already I feel energized!  Revved up.  Calories burning.  Fat melting away.  No . . .  Wait.  Is that fear?  Trepidation?  Probably all of the above.

Missy has been holding Zumba classes in our church’s community center.  I’ve been there a couple of times doing other things while her class was in session.  It looked like fun, but that high impact workout would not do well for arthritic old me.

Over the last four years we have watched as Missy has trimmed up and her energy level has gone way up.  Today she has pep in her step and her eyes sparkle.  For the last couple of years, she has been teaching regular Zumba classes.  Not only has she become an instructor, but is certified to teach water classes and now Zumba Gold, which is for folks like me.  I’m out of excuses.  I’ve been backed into a corner.  There is no escape. :surrender:   I’m going to have to man up and do it.

If you don’t see any posts here after this, you’ll know I didn’t survive. :beam:

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

33 thoughts on “With Hopes for Survival

  1. This just in….. Chuck did fantastic! Tonight was a first for us both, my very first time teaching Zumba Gold. I love this program! We had a great turnout and everyone did so great that we might be adding another song next week! Not only did we burn 285 calories in 45 minutes, the room was filled with smiles which made my job so much easier! Zumba Gold is designed for function, balance and to just keep our bodies moving to help provide a healthier fuller functioning life as we “mature” :up: We also have the option of adding 1 lb weights for added resistance and strengthening our muscles. Most importantly….. We have fun! :yea:

    • Missy, Thanks for leaving this nice comment and for being so patient with us tonight. I really do know what you were laughing about. :angel: I’ll be back next week. :frolic: :frolic:

  2. Oh, you’ll love it and you will survive. The thing that is fun is that you can just have fun with Zumba or you can really pump up your work-out by adding some spring to your step or more hip movements. It’s just dancing, basically.

    Although, I would love to have watched you in there shakin’ it!! Hahaha!

    • Zumba is a good total body workout set to dance with Latin music playing. It was fun–even if I felt like a klutz. 😉

    • Look at Sharkbytes’ comment. You are not alone Rosey. Zumba is workout and dance combined with Latin music. :dance:

        • Yes, I did. :cheer: I will go back. :awe: Zumba Gold is at a slower pace and I am [almost] able to keep up. A few more rounds and I’ll be doing better. It’s a lighter workout, which is what I need. Some of the regulars will use this period as a warm-up for the session that follows. :dance:

  3. Good luck! I think Zumba would be a blast if I could survive more than the first 2 minutes. Can’t wait to hear how it goes!

    p.s. Don’t expect to keep up for awhile. Just keep moving.

    • I hear that all the time! 🙂 There are so many varieties of Zumba now, and each instructor is completely different. Don’t give up on the “product”, try a different class! If you go to Zumba.com you can “find a class” and enter your zip code and see what classes are offered in your area.

    • Our son and daughter-in-law got into dance classes. :dance: They are very good at it and have a lot of fun with it. :luv: However, it’s not for everyone. :no:

    • I have a husband/wife in their 60’s that did not want to take a class, yet contacted me about the possibility of a “private lesson” in Zumba. We get together every week for about 45-60 minutes and it is just like a private “ballroom” dance lesson, but ZUMBA! We have a lot of fun! If you are interested in the Latin feel of things, you could contact an instructor in your area and see if they would do that for you. We have fun! I try new things with them, they love it!

  4. I lack all coordination and know I would make an absolute ass of myself even though my best friend is riding me to join her in it. As of now I’m just going to stick to my Wii Fit.

    • At least you have your Wii Fit. I’m willing to look like a fool–feel like one too. :yea: It’s something I need to do. Your mileage may vary. 😉

    • If you find a class you like, and have a buddy, coordination isn’t as important as you think 🙂 Just have fun! I loved my Wii Fit too!!!!!! 🙂 If you have the wii, you can get Zumba for that too 🙂

  5. Awww! You’ll do fine. I’m sure the other folks won’t let anything bad happen. Loud whimpering noises work wonders. :up:

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