Basket Basking

Today, the first of May, our friend, Vanilla, re-posted an article on May baskets.  Read it here.

This morning, we awoke to the sound of a vehicle on the driveway.  Then we heard a [child’s?] voice saying something.  Sylvia went to see what was happening, but the driveway was empty.  Well, almost empty.  There was a basket sitting in front of our door.

A surprise May Basket!

A surprise May Basket!

It is an understatement to say that we were deeply moved by this lovely display of affection.  Smiley face wrap held some cookies with a note attached.

A beautiful sentiment!

A beautiful sentiment!

The note reads: “May your days be as beautiful as the buds of May. ~ Happy May Day!”

Heartfelt thanks to our visitor[s].  You made our day brighter and better.

In further celebration, a second tulip had opened this morning and a third may open before the day ends.  Yes it’s a beautiful day!  Here’s hoping yours is even better.