Yesterday, I posted a pic of April snow. Before going to bed, I snapped another shot of the scene.

April 8, 2015
This morning I woke to discover a fluffy layer of snow covering the entire neighborhood. I want to go back into hibernation and wake when it’s over. Okay?
That picture right there made the snow worth it. What a great photo!!!
Snow can be beautiful , but I’m hoping that we won’t see anymore this spring !!
I understand. I’m good until, say late November or even December.
Ya know I woke up today and it took an hour to realize that it had snowed ( 1 / 10 of an inch ) but I still found it to be beautiful.
Because I’m the one who has to clear the snow from the driveway, I’m glad we are getting our snow in April. I only have to wait a few hours and the sun does the removal job for me. Yesterday morning was beautiful here. A fluffy blanket of snow covered the earth with two or three inches of white. It is beautiful unless you have to drive through it or remove it from you sidewalk or drive.
Pity you didn’t get more so you wind up your machine. :banghead:
The plus is that you are getting some beautiful pictures. Mid-winter you might not have thought to take a pictures of the snow.
Out here in Eastern Kansas we are still waiting for our winter snows. Not sure why the bubble around us this year.
Our water table should be in good condition after this winter/spring. If local ponds are a good indicator, we are in very good shape.
Will the dry winter hurt Kansas crops? Isn’t that wheat country? ❓
Cool shot!
Yup….we got it too. Although from the sounds of it, you got much more than us. Lucky you!
A lot of it went away today. More snow forecast for Sunday AM and rain for later in the day. It should all be gone by Monday. 😀 At least that what I’m hoping. Have a good weekend.
That’s a beautiful picture!
Thanks. :tiphat: I took that out the north end of the house. I tried it with the outdoor light on, but I greatly prefer this flash-only version.
Really nice picture if totally out of season.. But don’t feel picked on: we awakened to a covering of the white stuff this morning as well.
Thanks. :tiphat: A former pastor of ours reports the same from Ohio. As the Scripture says, “It came to pass.”