Verification Words

It’s time to play the verification word game again.  You must type in these “random” strings of letters to leave a comment for one of your blog buds.  I’ve noticed that some of them are actual, if unusual, words.  So I offer the following for your approval.

Bigno – Small (not large).
Bottoli – Name given to bottles in the time of Augusts Caesar.
Bubby – Someone you know, but not well enough to call “pally.”
Clerack – The frugalite’s favorite part of the store, the clearance rack.
Coseynit – A comfortable louse egg.
Galip – What you are apt to receive if you anger a woman.
Reedies – Tall thin grassies.
Reptomat – A collection of vending machines that dispense turtles, snakes and lizards.
Uncme – What I told my sister when she said she was going to have a baby.

I need help with these.  I know they are real words, but they are not in my abridged dictionary.  What do they mean?


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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

3 thoughts on “Verification Words

  1. ROFL! Reptomat!!!! Hahahahahaha!!!

    Hyperchk- When Windows goes CRAZY checking your hard drive for errors.

    S'ware- Obscene language in software applications.

    Unducede- Plotting a secession, then changing your mind.

    Whujudist- the one on the jury bench wearing the paper bag over his head.

  2. Hyperchk- That one baby chicken in the brood that has to peck all the others.

    S'ware- That place, eg. The kitchen, s'ware it happened.

    unducede- the button that might have stopped the Civil War, if there were supercomputers in 1861

    unrappat- the headgear worn by recipients of Christmas gifts.

    whujudist- The judicial branch of the family that oversees whu. There are parallel departments for why, where, when. Usually known as "mom"

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