My Wife Left Me

That’s right, my wife of 47+ years left me in the middle of the night. And here I am alone.

It’s not as bad as it may sound. She is off on a mission trip to Central America. The team met at 1 AM and then drove to Detroit to catch their plane.

Sylvia will be helping to build a church in a Honduran village. She will also be the interpreter for the team. It should be fun. Hard work, but very satisfying fun.

She’ll come back. She always has. If you have moment, say a prayer for her and for the mission team from Sunfield, Michigan.

Thanks. We all appreciate it.

Affordable Security

Next time you start to put your car keys away, think of this: There is a security alarm system that you probably already have, requires no installation and is ready-to-use. No fees. No charges. It’s the car alarm that operates from that [usually red] “panic” button on your vehicle’s keyless-entry remote control.

If that car alarm goes off when someone is trying to break into your house, odds are the intruder won’t stick around. After a few seconds all the neighbors will be looking out their windows to see who is out there and it’s sure criminals don’t want that.

You should test before you rely on it. The alarm should activate from almost everywhere around your house. Warn others in the vicinity before you start testing. Oh, and select a time when neighbors are not trying to sleep or watch their favorite TV program.

So, it works. Keep that controller close at hand. Have it near your bed at night. Carry your keys in your hand while walking to your car in a parking lot. The alarm can work the same way there as it does at home.

What Flavor Gum Are You?

I took the quiz, and these are my results:

You Are Wintergreen Flavored Gum

You are laid back, low maintenance, and super cool.

You go with the flow, and you never cause too much of a fuss.

You are very in touch with nature and the world around you.

You prefer to keep things simple. Complexity stresses you out.

You are a very real person. Openness and honesty are important to you.

You can be friends with almost anyone, as long as they tell it like it is.

January’s Top Droppers

Top Entrecard Droppers on this blog for January are:

1. One Weigh at a Time

2. Coming Back to Life

3. Search Engine Panel

4. Sonnie’s Porch

5. Freaky Frugalite

6. A Little Boy’s Blog

7. WordJourney

8. sound of a soft breath


10. Treasure Nature

Thanks to each of you for your kind support. It was an interesting January as I entered the blogosphere on the second. My sister, Clara, was a big help with setting up gadgets, Entrecard and Christian Carders. It’s been great getting to know so many of you.

This will be posted on Monday, but I’m writing this on Super Bowl Sunday. Does that give you clue where my interest doesn’t go? Here’s another clue . . . I don’t get up at 4:29 AM — except maybe to go to the bathroom and then go back to bed.

The good news about February is that it’s only four weeks long. Yes, 28 relatively short days.

I’ve Been Tagged

My sister, Clara at Coming Back to Life has tagged me for this 9 question meme.
So here goes:

1. Have you ever been on TV? – Yes, and on three continents (not simultaneously). I was on Public TV when I was a student at Michigan State Univ. A few years ago while attending their national Amateur-Radio convention, I was interviewed (in Spanish) on TV Andalucía (southern Spain). When my Spanish friends held their national convention in Ceuta (Spanish north Africa), which is located across the straights from Gibraltar, I was interviewed on the local TV morning show. They asked me what I liked best about Ceuta. I answered, “The wonderful people.” I heard folks talking about that for the rest of the convention.

2. Have you ever sung in public? – Yes, in church choirs.

3. Have you ever dyed your hair blonde? – No.

4. Have you ever eaten frogs’ legs? – Yes, but it was long ago. I’d do it again given the opportunity. Tasty!

5. Have you ever received a present you really hated? – Would you settle for not excited about?

6. Have you ever walked into a lamp post? – I don’t think so, but I’ve walked into tree branches.

7. Have you ever cooked a meal by yourself for more than 15 people? – Yes. For two years at MSU, I lived in a housing cooperative, with 19 other guys. We did our own cooking and house-keeping. Fortunately, the menus were simple.

8. Have you ever fallen or stumbled in front of others? – I twisted an ankle on uneven ground in front of Sylvia’s family. They were kind. I was limping around for a couple of months.

9. Have you ever done volunteer work? – Yes.

So now you know a lot more about me than you did before.

I’m supposed to tag some other folks, but I don’t yet have enough contacts to do that. So if you read this, consider yourself tagged.