Another Country Heard From

The country is Honduras. Sylvia called again from Olanchito Saturday evening. They’ve made progress on the church building. It has gone slower than expected. There is a shortage of wood in that area. When they pour concrete, they are only able to put a few forms up for pouring. When that has cured enough, the wooden forms are removed and setup for the next pour.

Sylvia had about $200 stolen from her hotel room while she was in the shower and had the door double locked. However, she is fine and will be able to continue with the project. The hotel has promised to “make it right with her” before she leaves.

On the same day that her money went missing, we received our federal income tax refund. The refund was more than was lost.

Olanchito is a town of about 26,000 people and sits at an altitude of 722 ft. High temperatures these days run about 90 F with a humidity equal or greater than that. No wonder she says, “It’s hot!”

Just a few more days . . .