
Falcons Win Again

Last night, the Falcons beat the Mustangs 14 to 1.  During the second half, some of the Falcon gals with less experience were in the pool.  Briana was in her usual role of play maker or whatever they call it.  Her dad will correct me if I have it wrong.  Briana scored five goals and Julia scored seven even though she spent the fourth quarter watching from pool side.

Home Work

Yesterday, I finished rolling the lawn.  Does it seem like that took a long time?  That’s because it did.  There are about seven acres of lawn here.  I remember the time we lived in town and I spent less than an hour to mow the lawn, and that with a non-motorized mower.

On Resumés

It started Monday on Communication Exchange when Patricia wrote about Resumés as Self Discovery.  That post had me thinking about how my resumé had changed over the course of my working career.  Yesterday, on String to Short to Tie, Vanilla featured a Garfield cartoon in which Jon pads his profile.  (This was just one in a neat series of strips featuring blogger Jon.)  When I read Jon’s words, “Of course I had to pad it a bit to make myself sound more brainy” a memory clicked on.

It was some 20 years ago in Connecticut.  I was a department head and  looking to hire a technical editor.  An applicant appeared at our office with resumé in hand.  I had time that day, so I invited him into my office and talked with him as I read what he had to say about himself.

This was for a national membership organization and we do all of our business in English.  With interest, I saw under other qualifications, “Fluent in Spanish.”  I looked up from the paper and slowly and clearly asked, “¿Donde estudió usted Español?”  With a bewildered look on his face he said, “What?”  I repeated the question.  He told me he hadn’t understand a word I had said.  I informed him that I had just asked where he had studied Spanish, which is about as basic as anything could be.

Would you hire that person for a job that requires an individual to check for technical accuracy and clarity?  I didn’t.  Have you ever padded a resumé?

This entry was posted in Miscellanea, water polo by Chuck. Bookmark the permalink.

About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

9 thoughts on “Miscellanea

  1. Yea for the Falcons..
    I have been out working the yard also. Spring is here.
    Hubby is great at resume writing. I think most folks do pad them. However, you are selling yourself to the hirer to get a job and need to have something that will catch the eye of the company.

  2. Pricilla, I have and she thanks you and all the goats.

    Dawn, Couldn't agree more.

    Shark, GCMS? I had to look that one up. Very high tech. Did you like the job?

    Lin, I've read lists of uses for dead cats, but none of them made any sense to me. Last night the Mustang's goalie must have heard the theme from Jaws anytime Briana had the ball anywhere near the goal.

  3. Mi gato es negro. And that cat is dead, so that doesn't get me far. 🙂

    Brianna is absolutely beautiful in that photo! Who would think she is such a shark in the water???!

    And no, I have never padded a resume. I have never padded anything, including my bra.

  4. No comprende, senor. Mostly… I only know about 20 words. Resumes are weird things. I got a job in an environmental lab based on an honest line in mine that I had once been left to babysit a GCMS (but didn't know much about it). They were so desperate that they hired me then and there.

  5. etsa estupido!

    If I remember my Spanish…

    Briania is beautiful. Congratulate her from the goats.

  6. ba, But your daughter is such a sweet looking child. However in the pool she becomes both Dominator and Beast. The tiger is a beautiful creature, but I wouldn't want to get in a scrap with one. Briana certainly did take control of the game against Rockford and with excellent results.

    Vanilla, I'm looking forward to reading about that interview.

  7. I figure you are just asking for comments, so here you go…

    I refer to Briana as "the Beast" or "the Dominator", I am not sure what the coach calls her role. Although he did tell her against Rockford that she was to take control of the game.

    BTW, IMHO, the proper response to "¿Donde estudió usted Español?" is "Plees only speeka Eenglish today, hokay?"


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