I picked her at the shelter. She was supposed to be my cat. That was the plan.
She didn’t conform to the plan. I chose her, but she chose Sylvia. When Sylvia is here, Nellie is not far away. However, Sylvia spends one week in four with her dad. During those times, Kitty has become friendlier with me.
In the beginning, Nellie would cower and run away whenever I came near. I didn’t like that, but suspected that patience and gentleness would win the day. They are winning.

What’s that thing you have in your hand mister?
Now she will run to me to receive some scritches behind her ears or a rub beneath her chin. She will even sit on my lap, but the time limit is less than ten seconds. Considering her razor-sharp claws, I can live with that.
Sylvia returns to day, and that will make Kitty . . . and me . . . very happy!
Hurrah for all of you, I bet Sylvia likes to visit her dad but is glad to be home too! 😎 :hkitty:
Yes, Sylvia enjoys the time with her dad, but is glad to get back home to kitty and me. :dance:
I love that you can’t force the cat to love you. Dogs…well…they can be bought so cheaply and they usually love EVERYBODY. Criminy…they are whores, aren’t they?
Give me a cat every time because when that cat loves you….truly loves you…it means that you have earned that love. And that makes the love even sweeter.
How can I agree with you about dogs without us both ending up in trouble? :dontknow: Okay . . . You’re right about both. If you want to feel god-like, get a dog. If you want to learn humility, adopt a cat.
Yea! Happiness all around!
That is an accurate description. :hkitty: And just the way we like it. :cloud9: