Sylvia and a few other women took the children roller skating last night. And . . .
Called from the meeting
Sylvia on Roller skates
Fell upon her wrist

Not really her doctor.
Help Sought
Emergency Room
This night it is filled with folks
Each with their own need
The fall resulted in a distal radius fracture. In other words, she broke her wrist. She’s doing well, but the next six weeks should be interesting.
I bet she’s smiling anyway. And hey, if you are going to break something, better to do it being active than slipping in the shower or something “old people-ish” I am sorry though
We’ve found a few things to smile about through this experience. She is wanting to get back to all of her “normal” activities.
Oh! I just read through your posts and found this. Poor Sylvia! I hope she is feeling better soon and back on her skates quickly!
I have to admit that is really cool that she was out roller skating. 🙂
She is feeling okay, but her left wing is in a cast for six weeks. I made her promise to retire from roller skating. In her defense, she was leading the race and was almost to the finish line she took her tumble. :stars:
Oh no!! Just when warm weather is cropping up too. Ah, I’m glad she has you there with her (to do all of the work, hehe and be a source of comfort). :awe:
I’m super sorry to hear she broke her wrist though!
We are seizing the opportunity to live, learn and grow. In the last two years I had a couple of surgeries that left me less than fully capable. Sylvia was there for me while I went through those. Now, it’s my turn to be there for her.
So, I wish Sylvia getting well soon.
Thank you, Rainfield. She seems to be doing fine now. She’ll not be able to use that wrist (hand and arm) for six weeks.
So sorry to hear this, Chuck! 😥 :dontknow: Please give her a hug from me and know my prayers are with both of you through this new journey!
Thanks, Joy. You are such a kind hearted person. We’ve crossed more than a few bridges together. This is just one more and shouldn’t be all that difficult.
So sorry! Be sure to spoil her a lot while her wrist is healing.
Good advice, Vee. I am enjoying spoiling her. I have to explain that it’s now my turn to take care of her she did for me after a couple of surgeries.
Yeah, I married one of those, too! Give Sylvia a hug for me…and have a happy, joyful Easter!
Then we are both exceedingly fortunate. :cloud9: I gave her a hug for you and received a kiss in return. Oh, and thanks too. May your Easter be blessed.
So sorry to hear about your fall. I could probably say something about age but I think I’ve learned to keep my mouth shut about certain situations!
Get well soon!
Thanks, Bill. Because Sylvia is so active, she is in better shape than many women half her age.