
We recently took Midnight to the vet for his second rabies shot.  We put him in his transport box–one we bought when he was a kitten.  He still fits in there, but only barely.  Soon after leaving the house, Midnight began to cry or moan.  It sounded like he was really suffering.  That was only the beginning of bad news for our kitty.

archived photo

The vet was shocked at his weight.  “He’s too fat!”  She put Midnight on a diet.

The good news is that our little guy is shedding some pounds.  Nevertheless, I will continue to describe him as 35 pounds of ninja stealth.

A Sunday Sighting

After church, I took Sylvia out for a birthday dinner.  She wanted to know where we were going.  I told her that I wanted to go to Logan’s in Kentwood (Grand Rapids).  I had a plausible story, because it was true.  We kept the conversation going as we drove the half hour to the restaurant.  She had to be distracted.  She must have been.  She didn’t notice a familiar car in the parking lot.

We walked into the restaurant and Sylvia did a startle.  She saw our granddaughter Briana, sitting in the waiting area.

We had pulled off the surprise.  Sitting beside Briana were her parents, Bryant and Barbara.  We had a very nice meal together and a great time of talking and hearing about Briana’s recent mission trip to Mexico.  Sometime soon, I’ll share with you some photos and her story.

All too soon it was time for Briana to return to university and her parents to home.  Sylvia and I drove home both feeling filled with good food and more importantly with good feelings that come from being with family.

Sylvia thanks all of you who have expressed your best wishes for her on her birthday (yesterday).

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

8 thoughts on “Sightings

  1. How swell! Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog, it really blessed me! Hope you and yours will be blessed and in health!

  2. Read it carefully. He doesn't really weigh 35 pounds. It's more like a third of that. It's just that I like to say . . .

  3. 35 lbs? wow lol about as big as my aunts one cat if the sucker is still alive. Mine weighed a svelte 7-9 lbs lol

  4. I just love your "archived photo." Just like the news flashes. It must come in very handy on occasion.

    Livvy is skinny as all get-out. She eats and eats. It must be the Siamese. I wish I was part Siamese.

    That's sweet about seeing your family in the restaurant! Which reminds me, now I am hungry…

  5. Talk about stealth! You really pulled that one off! 😉

    I have to take Grace and Hobbes to the vet this month. Needless to say, we don't all go at once. I have a feeling somebody is gonna get the diet speech and it ain't gonna be me.

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