17 -3 ~ Go Falcons

Last night, Sylvia had to attend a Board of Administration meeting at church. I drove 35 minutes to our granddaughter’s high school to watch the gal’s water polo match. It was sure worth the trip. Thanks to you who had such nice things to say about her the other day.

Last night wasn’t about looking good. It was about playing hard and providing leadership as a co-captain should. The Falcons got the ball first and our #7 passed to an open teammate who was in position. The ball went in, we scored. On the home team’s next possession, #7 beat the opposition down the pool and she rifled in the team’s second score. A minute and a quarter of playing time and she had scored an assist and a goal.

I sure missed Sylvia! The pictures are a bit blurry, because grandpa’s hands shake. Especially when I try to hold them still. The action was fast and furious. The Falcons are coming together and their passing and shooting is getting better.

In the photo above, #7 has gotten way in front of the defense and now faces the goalie. Notice how far out of the water she gets her body and with the ball at the full extension of her arm. A split second later the ball rocketed past the poor goalie and into the back of the net. Thwack! What a sweet sound!

She scored 5 goals and 2 assists. She spent most of the second half out of the pool so that some of the less experienced players could get some time in the game. It was a great night! I loved every minute of it.

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

4 thoughts on “17 -3 ~ Go Falcons

  1. I’ve never seen a water polo game! How cool. I didn’t even know it was a school sport in Michigan.

  2. Justine, you are right. It takes an incredible level of conditioning to do well at this sport. You’d love the 5:30 AM practices. Or would you?

    Lin, you are right. They keep it very warm in the pool area. If you wear more than a tee shirt, you’ll roast. No coffee, just a bottle of cool water.

    — Chuck

  3. Wow!! What a star she is, Chuck!! Those are good photos–it is really hard to get the action shots. Maybe try a tripod or monopod (?) that might help with shaking. I have that problem when I’m cold and I’m taking Marching Band photos.

    I can see why you are so very proud! What a gal she is!! Don’t even tell me that you are too warm in that pool area–I have warm spectator-envy! Think of me when you are taking off your jacket to watch a match. 🙂

  4. I don’t know how anyone can play a sport like this. It’s exhausting just looking at the pictures, knowing how they’re constantly working against the water. Her body must be SO toned!
    WTG #7!
    Hey Chuck, next time take some short video clips for us!

    Justine 😮 )

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