What a difference a day makes

This was yesterday, Friday, and it seemed so cute.


The light snow featured huge flakes and it would probably not last.  At least that’s what the old man who didn’t check the forecast thought.  So he just took a picture.

The secret to capturing the flakes in the image is to force your flash on.  That’s a tip I learned from our good friend, Ratty.

One of my Facebook friends was very inspired by this.  Proved it by posting this:


This behavior is benign.  It’s the folks behind the wheel that make snow days scary.  I’m talking about days like today.


As I am modestly sane, I’m staying inside.  Well, not really.  It’s time to go out to the barn and take the mower deck off the tractor and put on the scraper blade.  I’ll be needing it soon.  Very soon.