In My Neighborhood

You’ve no doubt seen reports on TV or read them online about the drought that has hit our nation’s mid-section.  On the maps, even this area is shown as being in a state of moderate drought.  We were, but the rains have returned and in this neighborhood the corn and soy bean crops are looking good.

As you can see, this corn field behind our house is looking great.  The farmer’s dairy cattle will eat well this winter and next spring when this fine crop is chopped up and fed to them.

Perhaps this second shot will give you a better of idea of how tall and strong this corn is.  The bunnies don’t seem at all interested.  They have that beautiful grass to nibble on.  And nibble is exactly what they do.  If the weather cooperates, I want to mow tomorrow.

In any case, it’s going to be a busy week for Sylvia and me.  We have special meetings this week and company coming for the weekend.  I’ll tell you more about that later.


I never did get a picture of the mute swans.  A pair of them made a nest and spent most of the spring on a natural pond a quarter-mile from here.  Evidently when the cygnets were ready to fly, they all left the area.  That left me without the photo. 🙁

It’s been over a year since I’ve seen an eagle.  There was a pair of bald eagles that were nesting about a half-mile from here, and I would see them from time to time.  In the winter I have seen a golden eagle, which is the most awesome and impressive bird I have ever seen.  (Once, one flew between our house and the barn, banking as he made a turn.  Wow!)  I keep looking and hoping.

The vulture don’t disappoint.  There is a hollow tree about an eighth-mile from here where vultures nest.  It’s an oak tree with a hole in it that’s bigger than my waist, which is not tiny by any stretch of the imagination.

What kinds of critters do you see near your home?


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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

One thought on “In My Neighborhood

  1. Oh rats. I don’t like it when I miss the opportunity to get a good photo of the cool things in my yard. I always think that they’ll be there later….and rarely they are. 🙁 You gotta get them quick, Chuck.

    We finally got some rain here. The crops are shot, though, and our garden and lawn looks bad in spite of the last minute reprieve. I hope it comes back for next year.

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