This Season

Bursting with energy this time of year? Me neither.

Nellie and I agree.  This time of year, with shorter days and longer nights, is meant for napping.  And so that’s what we do.  :cloud9:   Of course a body has to eat too. :food:

Overnight we were in the border area between snow (to the north) and rain (to the south).  That meant that we were in the freezing rain zone.  Got a call from a friend this morning.  He had to go rescue his wife when she was stuck in the middle of a paved road a couple of miles from home.  The fellow who was pulling a horse trailer almost lost the trailer into the ditch on the side.  A good day to stay inside, read blogs and put a (very tardy) post up here.

Early this morning a very special neighbor passed away after an extended hospital stay.  We will miss her a lot.  She and her family have been more than friends and neighbors to Sylvia and me.

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

12 thoughts on “This Season

  1. Aw, I’m sorry about your friend. Prayers for her family.

    When the weather is cruddy, that’s the best thing to do–stay in AND safe. I think it’s imperative for your relationship to nap together…and often. 🙂

    • Agree. I spent most of the day with the scanner tuned to the county central dispatcher. They were busy! Even more so on Saturday ❗

      • My in-laws just drove an hour and a half to get here to borrow our generator. There’s isn’t working and they’ve been without power (in this cold weather!)…just using the fireplace. I grouched at her for not coming sooner…she said they kept thinking they’d get the power on. :whaa: Home Depot said the closest place to get a generator right now is Indianapolis. Menards agreed there’s none to be found. :beam:

        What I’m here for is to wish you and Sylvia a very Merry Christmas!

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