Lately, we’ve been watching the twins and mom as they graze on the grass.

Sorry about the flare
I forgot to get the camera lens against the window I was shooting through. It was morning and the family was having breakfast. I wanted to open the door and step onto the deck to capture this image, but there would be no critters if I’d done that.
Perhaps you’ll like this one better.

Mom and one of the twins look for better grass
The youngsters are bursting with energy. We often see them racing around the yard like the young ones frequently do.
So cute now… so hard on plants later!
And that’s true! [Sigh]
Really precious! Thanks for the pictures.
They are cute. Sorry I don’t have video of them romping on the grass. :dontknow:
Aww, look at the little ones. We’ve got a lot of deer running around this year!
Not so many here. The hard winter took its toll on the herd. I’m sure that more than one or two ended up as coyote food.
We didn’t see many at all for the longest time either, but driving yesterday to Coldwater (to visit friends) and coming home, we saw so many!! It’s scary when they’re on the side of the road at dusk.