Pet Peeves


What irritates you?  I mean “angry enough to chew nails and spit rivets.”

For me it’s the announcers and annalists that cover certain sports events or news programs.  That keep repeating cutesy cliches and then grinning because they think they are clever.  Yes, I know that the second sentence of the first paragraph is a cliche.  However, it will [most probably] be a long time before I use it again.

I’m a NASCAR fan–perhaps I’m even an addict.  One of the NASCAR news programs that I regularly watch, features a personality that loves to throw out those cliches again, and again, and again.  <rant on> Sometimes I just want to stuff a dirty sock in that grinning mouth.  <rant off>  Yah, I know not very Christian of me, huh?  I worked very hard to exorcise those things from speech.  Perhaps that why it bugs me?

So what “pushes your buttons.”

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

12 thoughts on “Pet Peeves

  1. I have way too many things that get me angry swirling around in my mind. The way commercials are always louder than TV shows is a big one.

  2. One thing that that really grinds my gears is a lying “click-bait” headline like below. Please don’t reward their bad behavior by going to this (slightly altered) URL.

    www_dailymail_co_uk /sciencetech/article-2829213/The-robo-karate-kid-Terrifying-two-legged-giant-robot-developed-Google-learns-stand-one-leg-recreates-scene-cult-film.html

    Reading the headline in the link leads one to believe that the robot will balance on one leg, hop up, and throw a kick with that same leg before landing in a standing position, just like Daniel-san did in the movie. :woot:

    When you watch the video, the robot balances on one leg atop three cinder blocks 😎 while moving its arms crane-style :clap: , then . . . :uh: :no: (WARNING: the video is really loud)

    The video is a truly impressive display of robotic balance, but the headline extravagantly over-promises, guaranteeing that the video will under-perform compared to readers’ hyper-inflated expectations. :badmood:


      • Even missionaries get irked. 😉 And to answer the original question, I’m not a fan when young people call me, ‘hun.’ I know it’s a harmless habit, but it almost always feels fake-y to me.

        I also don’t like when I first meet someone and they start talking bad about someone else.

        And I’m not overly fond of it raining when I’m trying to get the last of the leaves up before it gets too cold either.

        Whew, what a list… and there goes my angel status. It was nice while it lasted. :laff: :hkitty:

        • In the case of wait staff, I believe those terms of endearment are meant to ingratiate so that you will leave a larger gratuity. But it is equally possible that they’re just trying to “grease the skids” of human relationships. :stars:

  3. The button I push is the “mute” button. What sporting events I watch on tv, I shall interpret for myself.. (Kinda would lose the roar of the engines and the roar of the crowd, though, did I watch NASCAR.)

    • That press of the mute button is a great idea. 😎 I expect to watch a lot less NASCAR next year. Perhaps it won’t happen.

  4. You should hear those sportscasters from the other room. When you are not caught up in the event, you realize how inane the banter is. I will oftentimes say to Joe as he is watching this sport or that one “Do you even hear how ridiculous they are?” It’s very silly to hear them go on and on about nothing.

    • I’ve been a guest in homes where “the game” is on. Makes you wonder if the talking heads have had a lobotomy. :dunce: That does make sense to me.

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