Midnight Monday

Midnight loves to play around the rug on the kitchen floor. That rug used to lay on the floor in front of the sink. Lately, Midnight seems to think we should experiment with other locations.

There it is neatly folded like an accordion.  Beside the rug is one of his favorite toys, Herr Rabbit. Or is it Hare Rabbit?  Every day, he tries new configurations.

Let’s try moving it in front of the dish washer. That’s a milk ring from the top of a milk container. (Midnight thanks Autie Lin for introducing him to milk rings.)

Wait!  Isn’t there something under that rug?

Sylvia checks it out and finds Midnight. The games go on.

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

4 thoughts on “Midnight Monday

  1. Isn't it great when the toys are really cheap and easy! Midnight is becoming quite the personality.

  2. That is soooo funny! Rugs are meant for scrunching up or barfing on, Chuck–all kitties know that!

    Did he lose all his sparkle balls?? Does he need Aunt Lin to send more??? I know the milk rings are fun, but wait until you move your refrigerator. 🙂

  3. LOL! I love it! how adorable. Hey, I have my favorite blanky too 🙂

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