Wednesday morning
Silently they fall
Diamonds sent from up on high
Beauty in the air

Snow fall increased

The wind blew

Thursday morning
Wednesday morning
Silently they fall
Diamonds sent from up on high
Beauty in the air
Snow fall increased
The wind blew
Thursday morning
We got lucky on this one. It was horrible just south of us, but we were unscathed. Lots of crabbing about it though. I keep reminding everyone…we still have March and April. Some of our worst snows have come in March…and April likes to surprise us with a snow or two.
We had a foot of very heavy snow in the driveway. It took a long time to clear it with the front-end loader. April snows tend not to stick around for very long. This one should be gone by this weekend.
Yes, I saw it from beginning to end. We were supposed to meet friends in Mason ( 9 mi., one way) at 10 a.m. and had heard that snow was coming this way that very afternoon!. Around 9:30, we were ready to leave and I just happened to see a single snowflake blowing around in the wind , and then another, and suddenly we were in a windy snowstorm. We made the trip ok and made it through the night and welcomed the sun back for early afternoon Thurs.
I’m glad you made your trip okay. Sylvia had to pick up a friend from dialysis in the late morning. She made her trip okay, but was glad to get back home. In the evening we heard of many “incidents” on the scanner.
Envious out here in Kansas!
You want snow, Verla?