Pepe & the Further Adventures of Corporal

Lots of snow and cold weather has kept the brids coming to the feeder. They’ve been going through a gallon of sunflower seeds in a day — that’s what the feeder holds. Sylvia and I enjoy watching the gold finches, house finches, sparrows, chickadees, nuthatches, juncos, blue jays, doves, cardinals, downy and red-bellied woodpeckers as they feast at the feeder.

As I’ve reported earlier, this has not gone unnoticed by the feline population. I hope you’ve enjoyed my stories of Corporal’s exploits. It has been interesting to watch as she deals with the frustration of never catching a bird.

Yesterday, I looked out the window toward the feeder. There was Pepe sitting atop the T-pole. At 10-months old he is powerful and frisky. I ran for the camera and returned to see him coming down. I guess there wasn’t much to do once he reached the top. Poor Pepe!

Pepe leaves after an unsuccessful hunt.

A short while later, I looked out to see that Corporal was trying a new strategy. I call it, “Let’s hide behind the butterfly bush.” She tried watching the birds. No luck. she tried being indifferent — cats are particularly good at that. No luck. Bottom line: No luck.

Corporal hides behind the butterfly bush.

Those of you who are cheering for the birds should be happy. Those who want the predator to win will have to be patient.
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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

2 thoughts on “Pepe & the Further Adventures of Corporal

  1. I’m cheering for the birds. I’m happy.
    I think he needs more of a bush to hide behind. LOL
    My kids and I enjoy watching birds at my in-laws feeders.

  2. The snow… You are so lucky! It’s so beautiful.. Looks like the cat is enjoying it! 🙂

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