I’m Not MIA

I failed to post here yesterday.  I’ve been taking weekends off, and it feels good not to be here at the computer seven days a week!  Monday, I had an eye exam in the morning.  It had been six years since my last visit to those fine folks.

As I expected, my vision had shifted in both eyes, but more in the right than the left eye.  The doctor (OD) discovered minute traces of cataracts forming in both eyes.  Not enough to interfere with vision, but I’ll have to go back next year for follow up.

New glasses are on order.  The cost was what I had expected.  It helps that our Medi-gap policy covers the exam and helps with the expense of frames and lenses.

It was late in the day before my vision returned to “normal,” whatever that means.  For that reason, I didn’t post yesterday.  At least that’s my story . . .

Now I’m trying to catch up on the backlog of blogs to visit.  Thanks for dropping by.

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

6 thoughts on “I’m Not MIA

  1. Shark, At least it is correctable.

    Lin, Gee thanks. Expensive, yes. But the technology is so much better. Lighter, stronger and off-the-scale more comfortable.

  2. Well, I for one, missed ya. 🙂

    Isn't it crazy how expensive eye exams and glasses are??! Yikes. I hope you keep those cataracts at bay. 🙁

  3. Pricilla, I'm not even sure what "normal" means anymore.

    Vanilla, Oh, you've been there too.

  4. Yeah, he sends a fella home with his pupils dilated to the point a truck could drive through 'em.

    Now don't go getting all AWOL at the drop of a hat.

  5. My vision hasn't been "normal" in years. Please tell me where I can get that please

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