A Dandy Metaphor

Last Thursday I posted a haiku.  At the time, the dandelions were all yellow.  Before the weekend was over, that had changed.  Dramatically changed.  Here’s an updated photo and the haiku (so you don’t have to scroll):

Dandelions gold
Dapple my lawn with yellow
Turn so soon silver

I asked my younger son if he was aware of the metaphor of the haiku.  There was only a short delay as he digested my words.  He then said that it was a metaphor for how quickly the young grow old.  I sure feel good when my sons show such wisdom and understanding, and they both give me plenty of reasons to feel that way.  Did you detect the metaphor, or did you only think I was talking about dandelions in my lawn?

I wanted to find a graphic to illustrate this for you.  It took a while but I found this online:

And this:

Some of you have watched parents or grandparents go through this change.  Some of us have experienced it first hand.  It is amazing how swiftly time seems to fly.  It seems like only yesterday when I think of Bryant’s first steps or Scott’s first birthday.  Those memories are so clear and vivid.

Today, Bryant is president of the company for which he works.  His younger brother, Scott, is retired after a career with the US Air Force.  Only when I look at the back of my hands do I realize that I have become my grandfather.  That’s okay with me.  Life has been good.  It still is, and with a lovely, talented and intelligent granddaughter the promise of the future gleams brightly.

Speaking of Briana, tonight is the final regular season home game for the Falcons.  It is Senior Night, and Briana and the other seniors will be honored.  Sylvia and I will be there with the camera, our Falcon gear and our loudest voices for cheering on the Falcons.

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

6 thoughts on “A Dandy Metaphor

  1. There is always metaphor in haiku and poetry. Nicely done, Chuck.

  2. I guarantee weekends go faster than other days.
    Go Falcons!
    End the season with a BIG WIN!

  3. Life is too fast! That's why I am taking it slow on the backseat of the new motorcycle!! LOL!

  4. Oh, you and I are thinking alike these days, eh? Melancholy seems to be the theme of the day. Life is fast–too fast sometimes.

  5. Snapped some dandelion photos yesterday, but you posted first. Not that I would have gotten all philosophical. Nicely played.

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