Award Received ~ Prolific Blogger

Secondary Roads was recently honored by Shark of My Quality Day.  This award was granted on my birthday and with plenty of distractions (that’s my story and I’m sticking . . .) and the keen memory of an old man I’ve been late in acknowledging the honor and passing it along.  Thanks Shark!

Shark says the award is for prolific blogging. I know that means obsessive, as in posting every day. I think that it really means OCD, but don’t care.  It is true.

Now I’m supposed to award this to other afflicted souls prolific bloggers. No problem.  There are plenty of them out there.  And . . . you know who you are . . . you obs . . . er . . . prolific blogger friends of mine.

Lin was awarded the Prolific Blogger by Shark, but has yet to post it.  She must be distracted . . .  I’m giving you a second chance–some folks need that.

Vanilla tried to give up blogging but couldn’t do it.  My friend needs help and this award is just what he needs.

Pricilla there is always something interesting happening on the Happy Goat Farm.  Pricilla shares her adventures with us daily.

Russ it’s hard to believe that I lived just a few miles from this grampy fellow and our paths never crossed.  At least I don’t think they did.  .

Jo since she bought a new camera, she has been an obs prolific shutterbug.

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

10 thoughts on “Award Received ~ Prolific Blogger

  1. Oh, I'm gonna get you!!! I was really going to post the award from Sharky and I had another over by June Zach. Ugh. Seems I don't move fast enough for some people!!! arrrrggghhh!!


  2. Such good choices, Chuck! How strange that you and Russ nearly met. Of course, I think you and Sylvia and I are destined to meet some day.
    You won't believe my verification word "hyperchk"

  3. Thank you for honoring me. The publicist is very bad about remembering my awards. She blames it on her brain surgery but I think she is jealous of me.

  4. Chuck, since this new camera I find I need a photography 12 step program. There has got to be one out there. As I type this I'm worried I did not charge enough batteries for my outing today. You know me well 😀
    Thank you my friend.

  5. You have me pegged Chuck. Now with my new blog I said I was only going to post twice a week. That is already expanding. Come over and look around.
    Thanks for the Award. Now a question. When you lived in Conn. did you ever take public transportation?(Bus) I told my wife that you looked awful familiar.

  6. Congrats on your affliction…..oops I mean award, your nominees look like an interesting bunch.

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