Stylish Blogger Award

Thanks to Mike from Just 2 Techy for awarding me with the “Stylish Blogger Award!” It is a very nice award, and Mike is a new friend and follower of this blog.  I feel honored by your generosity.  Mike is a great young man and I enjoy reading his blog.

Here are the rules for the award:

    1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award.
    2. Share 7 things about yourself.
    3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers.
    4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award.

So here are seven things about me…

1. I’ve been married to the same woman (Sylvia) for nearly 50 years.

2. We have two sons.  The older is married and has a daughter in college.

3. I spent most of the first half of my working career in broadcast engineering.

4. The second half was spent in technical editing, writing and management.

5. I have been an Amateur Radio operator for over 50 years.

6. Some folks think I’m nuts for having a pet cat, but not to worry . . .  He’s not in the will.

7. I enjoy time spent alone with my thoughts. 

Now for some stylish bloggers whom you should know, if you don’t already:

I was going to include on my list Doreen from My Reflections as I Shutter Along, but she has already included me on her list when she recently received the same award from another source.  So thanks Doreen!  I really enjoy your blog because of your excellent photos.  Also, because you live  in the next county your subjects are frequently familiar sights and sites as seen through your eyes — not mine.  I like that.

I would include The Other Alice from As in a Mirror, but Mike has already granted her the award.  I second the motion.  The Other Alice loves to write about her Christian faith, and she obviously has a heart for missions.  I just hope her life is not as chaotic as the Alice who went into her mirror.

Carrying on with the theme of young people, we come to Lyd from Ramblings From Lyd.  She’s still in High School and loves photography.  Her posts are always pleasant as she shares her life with her readers.  I also follow her mother’s blog as well..

When it comes to style, who can beat my special friend Lin from Duck and Wheel with String?  Humor plays a big part in the life of this wife and mother of two children.  She also has two cats Grace and everyone’s favorite, Hobbes.  I don’t really think he’s 47 pounds of stripey goodness.  (Maybe only 45?)

One of Lin’s friends is Jo from Life’s Perfect Pictures.  Jo is an excellent photographer and from time-to-time shares some of her work with her readers.  I’ve learned a lot about using Photoshop Elements from reading her blog and looking at her work.  Inspiring as well as stylish.

My sister Clara from Coming Back to Life surely belongs on this list.  She was my inspiration to get into blogging.  She helped me get set up and going and has given me the answer to many, many questions.

Speaking of inspiring brings to mind Sharkbytes of My Quality Day.  Her exploits in hiking are outstanding, remarkable and many other superlatives.  Her knowledge of the outdoors is incredible.  She is also a very talented writer.

Rita T of Following 31 is another writer, but not just another writer.  Rita brings style to faith and practicality.  I’ve been following this blog for two years.

Patricia of Subjective Soup is a retired university professor of communications.  She is now a publisher as well as author.  Check out this blog — if you’re female see why you might like to be an emu.  If you’re male, see why you can be glad that you are not.

In Vanilla of String to Short to Tie I have found a friend with common ties.  Be sure to check out this one.

You have to have style if you can do all that Rebecca aka the Freaky Frugalite does.  I was first attracted to this blog by her lady bug avatar.  It caught my eye.  I’ll have to admit that I’m secretly in love with her kitty Livvy. 

I can’t forget the shy publicist that is the Maaaaa of Pricilla.  It’s fun to read about the adventures on the Happy Goats Farm.  The publicist has style as, I hasten to add, does Pricilla.  Style and substance.

Gwendolyn L Day is a fellow Michiganian with an eye for capturing excellent photos.  Her style is mostly visual and it is striking.  See how beautiful our home state is.

San Francisco is home to Jo aka the Poetic Shutterbug.  Images and poetry live on this blog.  You’ll enjoy exploring the city by the bay with this gifted gal.

The home of style might well be Amy Lilley Designs.  With a background in the fine arts, she has an eye for details and it is evident on this blog.

Now I’ve used up my quota, it’s past my bedtime and my hand has been hurting for a while.  I must leave this keyboard.  Now.

Award Received ~ Prolific Blogger

Secondary Roads was recently honored by Shark of My Quality Day.  This award was granted on my birthday and with plenty of distractions (that’s my story and I’m sticking . . .) and the keen memory of an old man I’ve been late in acknowledging the honor and passing it along.  Thanks Shark!

Shark says the award is for prolific blogging. I know that means obsessive, as in posting every day. I think that it really means OCD, but don’t care.  It is true.

Now I’m supposed to award this to other afflicted souls prolific bloggers. No problem.  There are plenty of them out there.  And . . . you know who you are . . . you obs . . . er . . . prolific blogger friends of mine.

Lin was awarded the Prolific Blogger by Shark, but has yet to post it.  She must be distracted . . .  I’m giving you a second chance–some folks need that.

Vanilla tried to give up blogging but couldn’t do it.  My friend needs help and this award is just what he needs.

Pricilla there is always something interesting happening on the Happy Goat Farm.  Pricilla shares her adventures with us daily.

Russ it’s hard to believe that I lived just a few miles from this grampy fellow and our paths never crossed.  At least I don’t think they did.  .

Jo since she bought a new camera, she has been an obs prolific shutterbug.

I Love This Award!

My good friend and fellow blogger from Michigan, Rita T has given me this award.  If you are not familiar with her blog, Following 31, you should check it out today.

I am supposed to share with you 10 things I love.  So, here is my list:

  1. I love Sylvia, my wife of nearly 49 years.
  2. I love our two sons.
  3. I love our daughter-in-law and our granddaughter.
  4. I love  our church family
  5. I love God.
  6. I love kittens.
  7. I love working outdoors on cloudless summer afternoons.
  8. I love the smell and taste of fresh apples.
  9. I love Sylvia’s rhubarb pie with a cup of black coffee.
  10. I love my blogger buds.

Now I get to share this award with 10 blogs that I love.  These are blogs that I visit each day–blogs that I love.

Dawn — I particularly enjoy her poetry and the photos that she uses to illustrate them.

Jo — This Jo is the poetic shutterbug.  I enjoy her photos and writings from San Fransisco.

Jo — This talented gal calls Illinois her home.  She is a professional photographer, wife and mother of two.

Lin — Early in my blogging career, I met Lin.  She has a great sense of humor, which she exhibits as she writes about her family, pets, home and work.

Patricia — has retired from teaching and writes two blogs.  Subjective Soup and Communication Exchange.  Her writing is fun and informative.  Check out both of her blogs.

Pricilla — Read about the adventures on the Happy Goats Farm.  I think you’ll love it too.

Ratty — This fellow finds outdoor fun and adventure in a part of Michigan that is highly urban.  You’d never guess how urban that part of the state is from his blog.  It’s fun to see the photos and read about the his encounters in the great out of doors.  If he can find that where he lives, you can find it where you live too–at least I think you can.

Rebecca — Is the author of multiple blogs.  Each blog gives you a further insight into this hard working and creative gal.

Sharkbytes — She shares with her readers her love of living, hiking and the outdoors.  She’ll give you hints on tracking animals and identifying plants.

VanillaThis special friend comes last because I put their names in alphabetical order.  He is retired from teaching and educational administration.  And, of course, I really enjoy reading his blog.

Now they get to tell you what they love and pass the award along to blogs that they love.

Happiness Award

Patricia at Subjective Soup has granted Secondary Roads the Happiness Award.

Isn’t it lovely?  Thanks very much Patricia, your kindness is much appreciated.

I’m supposed to tell you ten things that make me happy. Then I’m supposed to pass this on to ten other folks that make me happy. So here they are — ten things that make me happy (in no particular order):

1. Sylvia, my wife.
2. Briana, our granddaughter, who has become a wonderful person.
3. Our sons and daughter-in-law, Bryant, Barbara and Scott.
4. Wendi, Connie and Bud, who send me neat e-mails.
5. My sisters, Barbara, Clara and Maggie.
6. Sylvia’s father and siblings, Leon, Joyce, Karen, Bruce and Gay.
7. Midnight (our cat) when he falls asleep on my lap.
8. A walk with the camera in hand.
9. Sleeping on freshly laundered sheets.
10. A cloudless day in late summer

Ten folks that make me happy, and I’m borrowing this from Patricia, are my ten top EC droppers from the last month:

Opportunities Knock
Duck and Wheel With String
Photography by KML
The Horror Movie Show
Positive men
Cloud Musings
Space In Pictures

What makes you happy?

Another Award Received ~ Best Blog Award

Last week, Secondary Roads was given an award by Barbara Rae at Goal for the Green. I visit her blog from time-to-time, but I was very surprised by this kind and generous act. Thanks Barbara for the Best Blog Award.

The rules of the award state that you must post it on your blog together with the name of the person who granted you this award and a link to his/her blog.
Pass the award on to 15 other blogs you have recently discovered, and think are great! Remember to contact the bloggers you’ve awarded to let them know they have been chosen.
So, here are my choices, based on my personal, subjective and opinionated reasons. It is my belief,  that you ought to visit these sites, as each one is sure to offer interesting and well-presented content on a regular basis.
I sorted the list into alphabetical order, because each one of these blogs is special in its own way. Please visit them soon and regularly. Thanks.

What Is It? ~ We have a winner!

On Tuesday, Secondary Roads announced another photo quiz. Twenty intrepid souls came forward with their answers.

So you are dying to know what it is . . . right? Well, just to remind you here is what our contestants were trying to identify:

The most common answer given was, grass. Justine explained her answer this way, “
I think it’s just plain ol’ grass that you made look funky with a photo editor. I’m right, right?” Next was a flower. A brush or broom received as many votes as some form of sea life. Other answers were: carpet, a disco artifact, mold on an old pizza and Pink Floyd at the end of a concert tour. That one may even be believable.

My friend vanilla said, “Or a highly magnified view of a “rinse” gone terribly wrong, in which case I’m hoping not Sylvia.” Another blogger bud replied in a private e-mail to say that she was sure it wasn’t Sylvia’s hair because I was still alive.

One blogger bud and sister of mine who will remain unnamed even talked herself out of the right answer. (She would have been second with it anyway.)

The winner receives: 1000 EC credits, the Tommy Toe Award and whatever fame she cares to claim.

The Tommy Toe is in honor of my mother who called this wonderful fruit by that name.

So what was it?

It is a thistle blossom. If you had posted it, I’d have probably guessed a shaving brush, but that just shows my age.

The winner is Pricilla! Yea! I should have known that a goat, particularly a wise and clever goat like Pricilla would spot a thistle from across the pasture.

Thanks to all 20 of you who participated in this contest and made it the best yet for Secondary roads.

Who let the cat in the house?

Award Winner?

Well here it is. Chuck usually posts at this time, but he’s sleeping in. Poor fellow he worked hard yesterday and he was very tired at the end of the day. He better come out here and feed me soon . . .

Oh, you stopped by to see who won the contest. I’m sure I heard my peeps talking about a winner and laughing. They are a bit strange you know, but good to have around. Be patient just a bit longer. He’ll get up, feed me, then himself. After that, he’ll be in here to share the results with all you great folks.

Do me a favor and ask him to buy some kitty treats.

— The Cat

Awards ~ Received, Acknowledged and Sent On

With sincere thanks, Secondary Roads accepts these awards. The first two are from Shinade (aka Jackie).

J’Adore tien Blog: Wow! Jackie, you know that the feeling is mutual. Your blog is attractive and you richly deserve this.

I’ll like to share it with:


You Cheer Me Up: Again Jackie, I always feel better after visiting your blog.

This award is being sent on to:
Da Old Man (aka Crotchety)
Humor Smith

Most Inspirational Blog
comes from Vanilla. What an amazing guy he is. On his blog, you will find history, family anecdotes, local color and excerpts from Sunday’s sermon at his church. Well worth the visit.

Here are some folks that I look to for inspiration, and so this award goes to:
Rita T

Stop by and visit them. You’ll be glad that you did.

Awards, Awards, Thanks Star!

My special friend Star, has showered me with awards. I feel especially honored because they come from her. She is raising her daughter and an adopted son with a little help from family and friends. If you don’t know her, you should take the time to visit her blog, read several posts and get to know why she is such a special person.

The first one is the “Spread the Love” Award. Star said this about this award: “How would you spread you’re love? it is so sweet that you can feel the importance of love. Love shows in different ways unto different person that you wanted to share. The song writer said that it makes the world go around. So many of you have spread the love through supportive words and deeds. You have encouraged this old guy and made me feel good. Thanks to each of you.

Star also gave me the “Elite Blog Artist” award. Now that’s heady company. Some of you folks that come here to visit me are professionals. You have awesome skills at putting words together. You know who you are and you are the ones that should receive this award.

Adorable? That’s what Star said as she granted the “Adorable Blog” award. Perhaps it’s like beauty and exists in the eye of the beholder. Please note, she was talking about the blog, not the blog author. Several of you have adorable blogs. I love reading about your pets, Hobbes, Harry, Daisy and all the rest of your adorable fur-face friends.

Finally, Star gifted me with the “Uplifting Blogger” award. I only hope that I lift your spirits and provide a positive input to your life. Once again this reminds me of so many of you who through your faith, optimism and encouragement are uplifting those who visit you here in the blogosphere.

Once again, sincere thanks to Star. You deserve every one of these awards, and I am humbled that you chose to pass them on to me. Here is how I say “Thanks” to you:

Thanks for your kindness,
Beautiful awards for me,
May your cup o’er flow.

I have named no one, but I have left many hints. As I write this I feel a lack of wisdom to be able to make an adequate list of those who deserve to receive these awards. I know it looks like the coward’s way out, but I do need your help. Set aside your “humility,” recognize your place in my life and in the blogosphere and claim the awards that suit you. Many of you should claim all of these. To you, dear friends, I say:

Accept these tokens,
Symbols of my thoughts for you,
Given with much thanks.

Contest Announcement

Drum roll please . . . Secondary Roads Commission is proud to announce another contest for all you folks out there in the blogosphere. Rules are very simple:

1. Leave a comment on this article telling about your Most Embarrassing Moment.

2. You have until 6 PM EDT (5 PM Central) on Tuesday August 18 to file your entry.

3. A panel of distinguished judges will then decide the winning entry.

4. Judges decision is final (and they may accept bribes if you know who they are).

5. Winner will receive 1,000 EC credits and the Tommy Toe Award. (If the winner does not participate in Entrecard, credits will be awarded to the blog of the winner’s choice.)

The Tommy Toe Award

The Tommy Toe gets its name from what my mother used to call this wonderful fruit that makes such wonderful sandwiches with bacon and lettuce. The BLT was one of my mother’s favorites. Every year when fresh tomatoes were available in the garden, she would get together with a friend and they would make BLTs for lunch. I remember those days well, and I still consider the BLT to be one of my favorite sandwiches.

Previous Winners of the Tommy Toe



correctly identified snow on my driveway.




correctly identified the horse’s mane.


Mikki Black


most correctly identified the heron in the photo.


Reggie Girl


submitted the winning caption, “Just say no to fried kitty.”




correctly identified daffodil stamens.




won the Blogosphere’s Got Talent 1 contest (Dancing).


Don’t you want to join the ranks of these fabulous winners? Think of the fame. Think of the glory. Think about the most embarrassing moment in your life. Then rush to tell the Secondary Roads Comission all about it. Our judges are just waiting to hear from you. Probably so they can go tell their friends all about it. Don’t let small matters like pride and dignity hinder you.