Blogosphere’s Got Talent I ~ The Contestants

The call went out and 6, count them six, stalwarts have responded.

Here they are in no particular order. Vote for the contestant that you consider most talented by posting a comment by noon Eastern Time on next Wednesday. The winner will be announced next week on Thursday. That gives you time to consider your choice. It also gives the participants the opportunity to entice their blogger buds to come vote for them. I can hardly wait to see the outcome.

So here are our contestants:


She said: I sent TWO photos, Chuck. Both are unbelievably incredible talents.

As you can see the first is square dancing. She is insistent that it is not (necessarily) dancing for squares.

Lin chose not to describe this talent. I have seen this on the Internet, however, and it was described as a Lithuanian rain dance. The attire speaks to the effectiveness of the dance.


Clara’s her name and quilting’s her game. [Trust me she’s rabid.]

See quilts here. Miss Jillian, the kitty is an option, but not included.

Not-for-the-bed quilting projects here.


Well, Harry the goat can leap from hay bale to hay bale. Does that count? [yes, dear, it does. Besides he’s just a little guy and those bales are as tall as he is.] She concludes you can see the crazy goat here.


Hmmm. Not sure what you really want. My biggest talent is starting things and never finishing them. But I did finish the afgan shown at:


Although I am a drummer in a local band, and am the music director of Immanuel Southern Baptist Church, my REAL talent is acting.

That’s right folks. I studied acting at Clarendon Jr. College, Clarendon, TX., with roles in Oklahoma, The Women, and a couple of others that I can’t remember the names of. BUT, my greatest role was as Truvi. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I gave a performance that rivaled Dolly’s in the movie in the WAY OFF Broadway production of Steel Magnolias. (you can’t get much further off Broadway than Scott City, Kansas!) I only had to change ONE line to accommodate my less than Dolly figure! LOL

Alas, I am unable to put my performance on You-Tube. If I could, you would undoubtedly select ME for the Blogosphere’s Got Talent I award. I WANT THAT TOMMY TOE!!!


This fellow want to play coy with us. He says:

I’m not sure if it’s counted as a talent, but I’m pretty good at making my girlfriend angry! 🙁

Failing that, I’m pretty good at optimizing programs written in assembly language. Not sure that’s going to impress anyone though… [Some us will be impressed, however.]

* * *

There you have it folks. The six stalwart competitors in Secondary Roads’ contest, Blogosphere’s Got Talent I. I tried to brow beat a couple of others to enter in the fun, but they seem to have a talent for saying no.

So it is now in your hands. Vote for Lin, Clara, Harry (Pricilla’s friend), Sharkbytes, Ida or John. You have until noon on Wednesday to vote by leaving a comment on this post.

They are all worthy competitors. I can hardly wait to see who will win fame, 1000 ECs and the Tommy Toe Award. Oh did I ever mention that I fiddle with my whiskers?

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

21 thoughts on “Blogosphere’s Got Talent I ~ The Contestants

  1. OK, this was really hard. I don't feel right voting for myself. I loved Sharkbytes afghan and Lin's square dancing. I almost voted for Harry because he's just so cute.

    But when I read John's entry I was really bowled over. I sat in awe for nearly an entire minute before picking up my jaw and deciding to vote for him.

    I was a COBOL programmer for nearly 30 years but I never learned Assembler. On my last job, there were times I needed to look into the assembly language or try to debut an assembler program. There were a couple of guys who took pity on an old woman and helped me out. So I know the value of what John can do and the difficulty.

    So, hands down, John gets my vote.

  2. My vote is for Lin – who had the balls to send in a pic of herself not only square dancing but square dancing with pink streamers.

  3. Decisions, decisions…I think Lin gets a vote for having the nerve to dress up in her uber chic waders… and Harry gets a vote for being so darn cute…

    Good luck with this one!

  4. so many diverse talents. Each deserves to win! If you were going to make me choose – I'd go with Lin and Harry the goat as a tie.

  5. I'm not sure if my comment went through the first time but I'm voting for Lin.

  6. I have to vote for Harry because he is so cute. If I can get a second vote, I have to vote for Lin in her rain gear. Maybe if we could see Harry in Lin's rain gear?

  7. I vote for Lin simply because she has the shamelessness to show her talents in all their glory here:)

  8. Hey many votes do you want to buy?


    My vote is for Lin. Here's why, earlier this week, unless it was a dream, I saw a commercial with NBC 5 Chicago's Golden Local wearing those very same waders.

  9. I've had my share of square dancing too. I was in the first grade so I was still young enough to enjoy it. To do it as an adult takes real talent. My vote is for Lin.

  10. They all have a great talent I think, but I have to vote for quilting Clara. This is because her quilts are beautiful and quilting is SO difficult. I've tried my hand at it and failed miserably. Maybe next time you do this I'll enter – have to get up my nerve.

  11. OK, Lin wins in my book. Square dancing was the bain of my existence in Jr High School. I faked at least 100 stomach aches to get out of it in gym. She sure looks like she's having fun, but I think she's just putting on a brave face.

    One vote for Lin please.

  12. What???! The square dancing doesn't throw everyone??! Are you kidding me?? Ultra hip Big city me??! Geesh, I'm gonna hafta buy votes. Sigh.

  13. I believe I have to vote for my grandkid Harry but there are some very interesting (?) talents out there for sure.

    Lovin' that second photo Lin!

  14. Hmmm… guess I'm going to have to go visit all of them to decide, eh? I'm already leaning toward the goat, even if Lin in her rain gear is hysterical.

    Justine 😮 )

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